Chapter 19. Letting them down

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Beam's POV

"This is bad! This is bad!" I kept repeating as i searched outside for Ming and P'Forth. Forth is going to hate me, our friendship is ruined, he will probably kick me in the face or even worse, cut my face. I can't let this beautiful face of mine get permanently injured. And you might think i am overreacting but i'm not! No matter how close you are or have been to P'Forth, if you do him wrong he will give it back to you 200% without mercy. This is the reason why he has been able to do proud as the successor of the Jamornhun Gang lineage.

Where could they be? I have searched all around the training site. Ming couldn't really pull Forth that far away because he had to supervise the freshman and Forth took his job very serious. I'm not going to check the bathrooms, that's a weird place to talk, they aren't in any of the nearby classrooms, they aren't behind the building. I haven't checked the parking lot yet but i came from there i should've seen him coming right? MEETING ROOM!

I quickly make my way to the small secluded classroom on the other side of the Faculty of Sports building. The meeting room was a classroom used just for discussion about the freshman and progress of the trainings, only the supervisors, councelor, director and dance trainer would go into that classroom and it has a private parking lot. It's not that far of the actual training site parking lot so i don't see the point of it but i guess even people at the Faculty of Sports can be lazy sometimes.

I spot Ming's car just leaving as i arrive at the meeting room. Is Forth still inside? I close my eyes and reach for the doorknob fearing what i am going to find inside. I try to grip the doorknob but all i feel is air. I open my eyes and again try to fidn the doorknob only to find the door opened and a person wearing black uniform shoes. I bite my bottom lip and slowly look up until i'm face to face with P'Forth. I know i was going to face him but i lost all courage as i looked into his eyes. Anger, sadness and hurt were visible within them, swerling around into a void of rage. I also saw some other things but i'm not sure since i'm usually not the one that is too good with watching a person and their feelings, however i think i saw relief? For some reason. Yet one thing clearly stood out and it was the one feeling that hurt me the most. Dissapointment.

"P'..." I anxiously start, but he doesn't say anything and just crosses his arms over his chest.

"P'Forth, i'm..." i started trailing of and was unable to find my words. P'Forth released an annoyed sigh and ran a hand over his hair before putting his hands on his hips.

"Just shut it Beam. Ming explained everything to me."

"Y-you probably hate me don't you..."

"I can't hate you. However right now i wish i really could."

"P'! I'm sorry i didn't kno~!" He put a hand to my face to stop me from continuing.

"Stop! Ming told me you didn't know she was my girlfriend, i don't know how you found out right now but i can't care less about that at this moment. Tsk. If it wasn't for Ming i would've really punched you in the face right now." Called it...

"What did Ming excactly say?"


Forth's POV

Ming came into the practice hall and suddenly pulled me out of the building all the way to the other side of the Faculty. I tried to resist but for some reason he had set his mind on something and i knew i wasn't going to be able to pull away from him. I just hope he hurries up! Kit should be coming here in a moment and i plan on breaking up with Gookhai when i pick up Kit from his classes. I can't wait to see him. Thinking about my little boyfriend visiting me brings a smile to my face even if i'm being dragged away by my friend.

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