Chapter 7. "Do you like him?"

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Wayo's POV

I saw Kit run past the room we were in, i ran out of the room and called after him but he just continued running away as if he didn't hear me. I walked down the hallway, trying to find my brother. Maybe he knows what happened. There was one door open at the end of the hall, so i walked in looking for P'Forth. And i found him...almost eating a girl's face.

"P'Forth?" No response.


"P'FORTH!" That seemed to work, my brother jumped up a bit in suprise and when he looked at me his face looked a bit pale.

"Uhmmm. Hi Nong'Yo."

"Who's that?" I ask pointing to the girl in question.

"Uh, Yo. Meet Gookhai, my girlfriend. Gookhai, my little brother, Wayo." He introduced us and she smiled at me nicely but i didn't like her, i'm team 'Kit' not team 'Whoever this girl is'.

"Hi Nong'Yo, Forth has told me a bit about you already. hasn't P'Forth ever told you we were dating?" I looked her up and down and i have never seen her around the house, she was kind of short, still a bit taller than me. Brown,Red-ish hair, most likely dyed. A slim figure and i have to say a nice smile. But but but...she's evil.

"No, P'Forth probably thought it wasn't important. Knowing my brother your relationship hasn't even lasted a year has it?" P'Forth gave me the meanest glare he has ever given me, and i was shaken but i already didn't like this girl. She looked fake.

"Actually we've been dating for only 3 months? Why though?"

"P'Forth is incapable of dating girls so they never stay that long, have fun while it lasts."

"Yo. What are saying? Gookhai sorry i think my brother didn't sleep properly and is hallucinating. You can go already okay? I need to have a word with him."

"Okay. See you later babe." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and i shuddered, seeing the image of them making out again.

P'Forth walked her to the room door and when she walked around the corner, he pulled me inside and slammed the door shut.

"N'Yo, What the hell was that?"

"What was what?"

"That! How could you be so rude to her?"

"I don't like her." I bluntly tell him with my arms crossed. I was a bit scared of the anger that my brother had right now but i kept my fear in check.

"How can you say that, you only met her once."

"And that was enough for me to not like her." I say and smile sheepishly, making P'Forth groan in annoyance.

"What do i do with you?" He threw his hands in the air and sighed, taking place on one of the tables.

"I don't know? Buy me some pink milk?" I say and scoot next to him.

"If you keep drinking that stuff, you'll end up fat and round." He says with a smile, the whole issue being forgotten already as he puts an arm over my shoulder.

"Doesn't matter, i didn't get the name Butterball for nothing remember?" I chuckle which he joins, ruffling my hair.

"What are you doing here anyways? Didn't you have a meeting with your Senior-Junior and my 2 monkeys."

"Ah, about that. Kit was looking for you but a second ago i saw him running away. Do you know why?"

"No? I didn't see Kit."

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