Chapter 53. I told you...

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Ming's POV

I got to The Lair in no time, i was actually excited now to see Pring again. This will be good. 

Let me explain, The Lair is my own facility. It's something i build for my own desires and my own men, not even my dad knows about this. I know excactly who is loyal to me and who isn't because only those that are loyal to me know of this place. It is a small house on the outside of the town in the forest. From the outside it looks like a normal 2 story house with fences and some guards, and from the inside as well, it's a completely normal house where my men come to relax. It isn't until you go into the secret basement that you will find the horrors within. The gruel yet enticing smell of blood and the sound of endless screams, clattering chains and broken spirits. 

You got it right. The Lair is my torture chamber. A house they will never leave, those who managed to get out turned into objects for me to use and command but today i won't have that kind of mercy, because when i have fun. Nobody survives, but we can see. Maybe she will make it even more fun by struggling to stay alive or run away. The law has no affect on me here, in this place i can never be harmed, i can never be followed, not even my business partners or father's partners can hurt me. This is my fort, my base of operations. In this place, the victims that come in will learn that here, i am the law. There won't be a trial for my punishment or their freedom. They only have My Trial. What will be their punishment? Will they follow the others into the grave? Will i allow them to live without a mind of their own, their freedom stripped away from them? Or will i send them back to their families, dead and decapitated. It's so satisfying to hear about the family's disstress as they try to seek revenge without any results, their hopes crushed and knowing that they are out in the open with a killer makes them live in constant fear and when i finally show myself to them, they break. They can't harm me and they should understand that. Usually i'm against such cruelty but when i get here, i get this feeling. That it is already to unleash my anger, it's alright to use my status and power. I can control my emotions and anger because i have this place to get rid of that all and the scum that hurts or takes what is mine. 

Yes, i get that i am being a bit of a hypocrite. I am always hating on Phana for harming, manipulating people and hurting them and honestly i'm the same, but i need to keep up this act that i am a nice approachable student right? Not everybody knows who i truly am and i like to keep it like that. Of course the way i act with Beam is 100% me and not fake but i am finally understanding that 'Instinct' my dad talked about all those years ago. It's a part of me. It's the ruthless powerhungry part inside of me that knows what i am truly capable of. When i restrict myself for too long, it explodes all at once which resulted in...Apo. I learned this soon after entering University, that's why i built this place. So i can give in to my cravings and control my anger, and now that I finally got over the whole Apo incident thanks to Beam. I think i can finally control it. I think i am ready to take over the mafia. And why not start with a celebritory victim. 

The basement of the Lair is comparable to a modern dungeons. Multiple rooms barred with steel doors, some used for torture, others used to just keep them there and let them die slowly due to malnurishment or dehydration and we have a slaughter room of course. But i barely go in there. I have a butcher who handles all the dead bodies and corpses for me. Only 5 people have free acess to the basement of The Lair. Me, The Butcher, The Head officer of the police, 1 Guard that specializes in Hand to Hand combat, just so nobody tries to escape when i let them live, The IT person who made the special locks on the door and installed the camera's and everything around and in the house...and First. Yeah...He comes here sometimes. He doesn't participate in the fun. Just tells me when i spend too much time down there and tells me if stuff happens. A lot of the guys who live here are pretty friendly with First as well. Which is suprising since Firstclass knows nothing about Mafia business, he just accepts it.

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