Chapter 73. Pre-Birthday Suprise

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Forth's POV

"Kit! You don't have to be so scared, we will arive at the campsite before dusk and there is nothing that can harm you." I pleaded trying to pull Kit out of my dormroom. Our friends were watching in amusement as Kit was having second thoughts and was pleading to stay home.

"P'Forth! P-please lets just stay at home!"

"No! Baby i planned everything, pleasee~." Now i was the one pleading as the boy was still holding tightly to the doorframe. I could just lift him up and hoist him over my shoulder so he couldn't move but i bet he would be sulky for the rest of the trip and i didn't want that either. So instead i had to use a bit of a 'Phana-ish' techinique, Guilt tripping.

"This is my birthday gift to you, please Kit. Let me take you out please?" I stopped pulling his arm and just held his hand instead as i gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

"But P'Forth~!" He whined without actually giving more reasons, he was already starting to give in and i saw it. In the corner of my eyes i saw Phana roll his eyes and him and Yo started getting our backpacks and walking out of the dorm. 

"Kit~, it's my way of making up for the whole roof accident so please just let me." I pouted and with a sigh and guilty eyes, Kit let go of the doorframe and nodded in agreement. I grinned widely and pulled him into my arms before i lathered his face with kisses. "Thank you baby, i'm making sure you won't regret it."

"Mhh." Was Kit's curt response. I grabbed his hand and he intertwined his fingers with mine as i locked up my room and walked out of the dorm with Kit. Yo and Pha were by my car waiting and talking with Ming. Beam was still at home because he had to study for his retake exams so he couldn't say goodbye but he already send me texts so that's good enough.

"Took you long enough."

"S-sorry." Kit rubbed the back of his head as he looked away to not show his blush. 

"Ai'Pha, leave us be okay. Kit hasn't been camping before of course it would be scary the first time. Yo almost peed his pants the first time he rode a plane."

"P'Forth! Why do you have to embarrass me? I didn't even say anything!"

"Yeah okay, but what how old was Yo, 10? Kit is almost 20 Ai'Forth."

"Wait Kit you're turning 20!" Ming suddenly shouts.

"Y-yeah? W-why what's wrong Phi?"

"You'll be the same age as me!"

"Ai'Ming is that really something special? He is only one year below you you know of course some freshmen will be the same age as you and Ai'Beam. Also Ai'Pha Yo was 16 back then, the first time Yo got in a plane was not even 3 years ago." Pha just stared at Yo weirdly and Yo avoided eyecontact as he looked at the ground, but soon Pha's weird stare turned endearing as he was all over Yo again, whispering probably gross stuff to my younger brother.

"He is too biased."

"W-we are the same though."

"Yeah, guess you're right. Welp! Let's get moving. We don't want to arrive to late." We said our goodbyes to our friends and waited for Kit to get in the car so i could close the door and say a quick few words to Ai'Pha.

"So you remember everything right?"

"Yeah yeah. You will arrive at 6PM sharp so everything will be ready, Pond has been informed as well...just like Yo."

"Wait what!?" I whisper shouted. "You told Yo?"

"Sorry Forth but he knew i was hiding something so i just told him."

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