Chapter 14. It's a date!

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Kit's POV

"W-what? Like a d-date?" I asked panicked, was this what being asked out was? I have never been asked out before. I barely even made any friends. My brother would always make sure to push everyone away from me, so being asked out suddenly on only my 3rd day of school definitely is a big suprise for me. Don't get me wrong! I'm really excited, i really like Forth and love to spend time with him. That's also the reason why i volunteered to give Yo his homework everyday, so i could see Forth...and Yo of course. Yo is the first friend i made and i think he is a person i can really trust. He won't hurt me, he understands me.

But i'm probably just getting my hopes up. Sure i would love to spend time with Forth but i would feel guilty for keeping him away from his girlfriend who he should be spending time with yet i know that he won't feel the same for me because of said girlfriend. I don't want to be a homewrecker. Not again. My brother will hurt me again. He will lock me up for days without barely anything to eat. I would only be allowed to come out if i became his personal punching bag and would follow him with my head down and my pride on the floor. He would tell everyone in the school and i would end up being bullied for the entire year again. It's what he did to me when mom left. It was my fault mom dissapeared from our lives. And i get reminded of it everyday when i see the way my brother looks at me. With pure disgust and hate. I'm no brother to him, i'm just a pet that took away his mother. I don't want to let that happen again. I don't want to suffer like that again. Yo encouraged me to confess to Forth and he gave me courage but remembering more of my past drained that feeling of courage and bravery away completely. Now i think it's best if it's just silent admiration and one sided love yet i don't want to stray away from Forth. 

"Yes. You could's a date! Now let's go cutie and tell me what you want to eat." He says, bringing me out of my thought and i revel in the warmth of his body as he puts his arm over my shoulder and presses me close to him. My face is heating up but i don't do anything to move away from him, in fact if possible i tried to move closer. I think he noticed as i see the content smile on P'Forths face whilst he leads me towards his car.

Throughout the whole ride P' kept asking me where to eat but i blanked. I didn't know any of the places here so i begged him to decide for us since he is familiar with the neighbourhood. Begging is a bit excaggerated since i only needed to ask once with a pouty face for P'Forth to accept my request and pick for us with the promise that i could pick next time after i have seen some of the shops, stalls and restaurants around campus. He chose a hot pot and grill place called 'Shabu'. It was a really nice place, very casual and homey. I haven't told P' but i was very excited about this place. Dad always takes me to eat Hotpot with him and P'Pha, it's my favorite.  

"Come take a seat." P'Forth held the chair for me, scooted me to the table and went to sit himself afterwards, right across me. It was a bit intimidating to be looking straight at P'Forths face. My face heats up every time our eyes meet yet i feel comfortable and safe.

"Do you like it?"

"Huh?" I asked, i didn't even realise, but i was spacing off.

"Do you like the restaurant." He asked with a chuckle.

"Oh I l-like it P'. I-i love hotpot."

"Really? I love to go here, i wanted to take Yo here sometimes as well but he is more into sushi than hotpot."

"W-who do you go here with? I-it would b-be weird t-to hotpot a-alone. N-not that y-you're w-w-weird P'!" I realised how dumb i must've sounded.

"Relax Nong, i won't bite you. Don't be nervous." He said with a smile and ruffled my hair. "I come here with my friends a lot. Renée, Mantou, Bryan and Li Tang. You already met them. Sometimes i also come here with Ming or Beam but never together since those 2 really need to get it on."

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