Chapter 65. Do me

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Beam's POV

I silently entered my appartment after dropping off Yo, trying to avoid Ming who should be asleep right now. I still haven't confronted him after finding out he is the one responsible for Pring's dissapearance and the mysterious return of her father but we would get to that later. Today my priorities were set on N'Yo and N'Kit, Ming had been helping Kit and i can only pray that things went well. Ming can sometimes be a little bit hasty so his plans usually don't help.

However to my misfortune i found Ming waiting for me as soon as i closed the door and turned around, a frown on his face, his arms crossed and his stance wide. Showing me that i wouldn't get passed him until i explained myself.

"So? You going to tell me where you were?" He asked just as i expected.

"Ugh, can we do this tomorrow. I'm tired..." And i really was, i have been dealing with an overly agressive P'Pha all day, i even had to skip out on studying today to set him up to go to the club and then inform some of the staff at the club about N'Yo's arrival tonight. And i still had to follow my lectures and listen to my professors complain about everything!

"No." He sternly told me and walked closer so there were only a few centimeters left between us. "Why didn't you reply to my texts or calls?" I raised an eyebrow and got out my phone, when i tried to unlock it the icon on the screen showed that my battery died. Oh that's right! I forgot to charge it after i called Ming before school ended. Oops...

"Sorry okay, my battery died. I was helping Nong Yo."

"Yo? At this time of the day?"

"Yes! I brought him to P'Pha's club to talk to him." Immediately Ming's features softened and he dropped his arms to his sides giving me a curt nod and kiss on my forehead.

"Okay...But next time please tell me where you go. I went to your faculty but you weren't there, i went home but you weren't here. I got worried okay."

"Honestly i thought you would've planted a tracker on my phone by now."

"I've been thinking about it...but i don't want you to think i am invading your privacy."

"You do that every time you try to touch me at night and now you don't want to invade my privacy? Yeah right!" I laughed sarcastically and walked past him to sit on the couch in the living room. Ming plopped down next to me and scooted right up to me, with his hand he tilted my head so i was leaning on his shoulder yet i didn't mind. We were dating so why would i mind.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what? You did nothing wrong?"

"I...i kind of did though."

"What did you do?" I sat up straight and looked at him caustiously with a frown. He better not have had sex with someone else or i swear to everything unholy i will cut off his dick!

"I should've told you this the moment it happened but i didn't want you to be involved."

"Then what changed your mind?"

"I realised that you already were involved way before it happened and i know it won't scare you off now. Sorry but as bad ass of a person i might be, i'm really insecure...especially when it means that i might lose you."

"Just tell me what you did, don't keep me waiting any longer." Ming took a deep breath and grabbed my hand in his, nervously playing with it.

"Beam...I was the one to take Pring out of the police station, and i killed her...and her family myself..." Wow...i did not expect him to come clean about it. I guessed he wanted to keep it a secret to protect me, just like what P'Forth told me but what Ming said just seconds ago now made sense. I've been involved in their world already, murder, death and danger shouldn't suprise me anymore but it still leaves a sour taste in my mouth so i like to stay as far away from it as possible, but it is still something that occurs in my life. My best friend and Mentor/Close friend used to lead seperate gangs but now united and are leading THE biggest gang in Thailand whilsts my boyfriend over here is the fucking Don of the Thai Maffia, the big leader, the godfather. Well...soon to be that is, if I'm correct Ming's dad is still the leader but Ming is already starting to take over. Anyways back to the Pring issue.

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