Chapter 49. Needed closure

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Phana's POV

When they called out Yo's name to check for any people with him after the surgery was completed 2 hours later, i immediately stood up and asked for the report. Fortunately Yo was now in a stable condition. As i already concluded, the bullet didn't hit any vital spots and they were able to remove it without any implications. I knew that Yo would make it, he is strong. He would survive, but i couldn't help but let out a deep breath i was holding from relief. They carried Yo to a standard room but i immediately ordered for a private room, they complied to my command and put Yo in a private more luxorious room. 

They set up the bed, IV's and machinery. Yo didn't have too many tubes and needles in him luckily because it would be scary for me to see him like that if he was in a more severe state. After the nurses and doctors left, i sat down on a chair next to his hospital bed and held his hand. Planting a soft kiss on every one of his knuckles.

"Please don't rest for too long Yo, i miss you." I whisper to him, even if he can't hear me. I just watched as he was sleeping peacefully, i didn't even notice that almost 2 hours passed. There was a knock on the door before i saw Forth emerging with someone following behind him. Forth silently greeted me and i nodded as a response, i was too drained to respond properly. I haven't closed my eyes once, i want to be awake when Yo wakes up again. Forth stood on the other side of the bed and ran his hand through his brother's hair. 

I've always known Forth was more of the emotional and sensitive type. He hides it well from other people but when he needs to release his emotions, he does. Unlike me, i just hide any other emotion than anger and let it bottle up, which ended in the depression i suffered after the incident with Yo was the final drop that broke the dam. Forth's eyes looked so sad yet a fiery hate was hidden behind it, he hated what she did to his precious little brother and i can't blame him. He mouthed a silent 'I'm sorry.' before taking a deep breath again. I actually felt sympathetic towards Forth, we were in the same situation right now. We're at a moment where i can't be bothered thinking about our feuds and about all the gang stuff revolving around us. We were just 2 people who were suffering as we watched the people we care about in pain. However i remained seated after remembering there was another person standing silently in the doorway. 

I stared at the man who looked to be in between his 40's and 50's, he looked a bit like Forth actually, just way older. He was clutching the doorframe tightly and looked anxious despite the composed look he was faking. Forth noticed my stare and glanced back at the person. "Come in. Don't just stand there." Forth said with a sigh. The person nodded and came closer, standing next to Forth with his hand on Forth's shoulder. As he looked down at Yo, he gently touched the bandage around Yo's stomach and took in a sharp breath. Now that i saw him up close, he really did look like Forth and pretty familiar honestly. I've seen him somewhere, maybe in a meeting with my dad or just walking in the city. I've seen him, i just don't know when and where exactly.

"My baby..." He muttered sadly and a tear actually fell down on his hand. Oh! So this must be his dad, which means this is also Forth's dad. 

Wait...This man, it the biggest gang leader in Thailand!? THIS GUY!? Sure he looks like he can deal a good amount of damage with just his bare hands and i can sense that authoritive aura around him but the man is currently crying while a complete stranger is next to his son. I can't really talk because moments ago i was bawling my eyes out as well. Luckily my dad didn't see me like that, he would have my head for showing weakness. But this man made me feel something. He threw away his status for the moment because he cared so much about his son, before i would see it as weakness and vulnerability. But now i can only feel respect, adoration and a sense of humanity. 

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