Chapter 1"What?!"

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First thing first: click on the picture above to see fully in case you didn't know, just saying.
Second:I got this picture from the internet, I looked up 'Cute boys' and I found that pic like, hours later somehow.
Third:If this guy is an actual famous person, I'm sorry for taking the picture.
And Fourth!: Enjoy!

Namjoon P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch watching TV and eating fruit snacks. It was a day off so why not?
I was in the middle of watching a documentary about sea animals, and the guy with the accent was currently taking about Spider Crabs! I was leaning forward in my seat. What? I love Crabs!
In the middle of a crab fight my phone started to ring. I picked it up and read the caller ID.
"Why I manager calling right now?" I thought out loud.
"Namjoon! I got great news!"
"Really? what is it?" Last time you said you had good news, we all got lost in an abandoned hospital."
"Just tell me."
"Your getting a new member!"
"Look, I know this is sudden but-"
"NO! We don't need a new member! We are just fine!"
"Namjoon I know but we need a new member to add to you guys so we can make the group look younger!"
"How is adding a new member gonna make us look 'younger'?"
"I don't know..."
"Hyung we are all in our twenties, besides Jin-Hyung. We're fine just the way we are! And we already debuted and it's unfair that he gets a free ride after all we have done!"
"Namjoon just deal with it. I'm introducing you to him tomorrow. His name is Ji Sung now go tell the others!"
Then he hung up.
Namjoon sighed and leaned back in the couch.
"Hyung? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked bouncing onto the couch with a go gurt in his hands, and he began sucking on it innocently.

"We're getting a new member."
Taehyung choked on his yogurt, eyes going wide and eyebrows furrowed.
"Why! We are just fine the way we are!"
"That's exactly what I said!"

"What's with all the screaming?! I'm trying to get my beauty sleep! A man needs beauty sleep!" Yoongi said walking into the lounge room.
"We're getting a new member!" Taehyung screamed.
Everyone else ran out of their rooms, crashing into Yoongi causing him to stumble forward.
"We don't need a new member!" Hoseok said.

(Let's just say everyone said that already)
They were now sitting at the table.
"I bet he is a brat. We don't need another one of those after the first time."
"Yeah." Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin said at the same time.
"Well...we should just get ready to meet him tomorrow. His name is Ji Sung." Namjoon said ruffling his hair.
"I guess..." Jimin said.


"I'm not excepting him." Yoongi said
"Yep" everyone replied.

I have absolutely nothing to say here. Goodnight.
Eat well.
Sleep lots.
Goodnight my people's!

[BTS X New member] Male OC.   (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now