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Ji Sung woke up to a tapping sound in the closet. He looked at the alarm clock. 3:00. He looked at Yoongi to see him still fast asleep.
He whimpered quietly before looking at the closet again to see it opened ajar.

His eyes widened and he scooted closer to Yoongi, wrapping his arms around his upper body.

"Yoongi-Hyung. P-please wake up. I'm scared." Ji Sung shook Yoongi gently.
Yoongi groaned before opening his eyes.
"What's up baby?" Yoongi said, yawning right after.

"S-something is i-in the closet." He whined out.
"Ji Sung it's probably just the AC or your imagination. Go back to sleep." Yoongi closed his eyes again.
"But Yoongi-hy-" the tapping started again, but louder.

Yoongi sat up slowly, eyes narrowed.
"Ji Sung stay close to me." Yoongi grabbed a near by bat under his bed before walking over slowly.

Ji Sung stood behind him, gripping onto his white T-shirt.

Yoongi gripped his bat tightly, the other hand reaching for the door nob.
He grabbed it and the tapping got quicker, causing him to flinch back.

Ji Sung was crying in fear now.
"Ji Sungie, you need to be brave and go get the others. I will stay here." Yoongi instructed, eyes never leaving the door.

Ji Sung scampered away and ran to Jins room first.
Ji Sung shook him and called his name until he woke up.
"Ji Sung what's Wrong?"
"Someone or something is in the closet. Me and Yoongi-Hyung are scared!' he said quietly.

Jin sat up quickly, sleep completely gone, and he woke Namjoon.
Ji Sung told Namjoon and he also woke up instantly.

They woke up the others before running to Yoongi and his room.

Yoongi was breathing heavily, still staring at the closet door. The tapping was more like nocking now.
"What's that noise?" Hoseok asked, fear clear in his eyes.

"We don't know. I'm scared Hyung!" Ji Sung said.
"Joonie, go get the other bat, Jimin Taehyung, stay near the sides, Jungkook stay behind Yoongi, and Hoseok, stay with Ji Sung.
Everyone nodded before quickly doing so

Namjoon came back with an extra bat and glared at the door.

Jin slowly walked to the door before grabbing the handle and snatching it open.
He stepped back and gasped.

There stood a ghostly figure, skin pale and body thin.

"It's a ghost!" Hoseok screamed slamming the door close again.

"HOSEOK!" Jin opened the door again to see the figure still standing there, fist still up from when it was knocking.

They all stared, eyes wide with fear.

She- or he- was mangled. Dried blood, eyes wide with the lack of eyelids.

Ji Sung was sobbing, hiding his face in Hoseoks chest.

The woman whipped her head in Namjoons direction, causing them to flinch.
"Thank.....you." she said slowly.
"F-for what m-iss?" Jin stuttered out.
"For taking...care...of my baby." She looked at Ji Sung.
Ji Sung flinched and looked up slowly.

"Thank you all. I thank you all for you hard work to keep him safe." She smiled before looking at Yoongi.
Yoongi whined and hid behind Namjoon slowly.
She walked- well, floated maybe- over and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you for making him happy. For loving him." She said with a smile.

She looked at Namjoon and Jin.
"Thank you for being his second parents." Then she looked at Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok.

"And thank you guys for being his brothers." She turned to Ji Sung.

[BTS X New member] Male OC.   (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now