The Serpent Moon

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For the past four years, Seoras and Emmy had a mutual understanding of each other. To Emmy, Seoras was her savior, her teacher and her pretend husband. She knew that the only reason Seoras would invest so much time and energy on her was because she has the Souls of Amaratu inside of her. She found her Mage powers by accident when she plucked a flower and watched as it bloomed in front of her eyes. She was so scared that she sat for a whole hour before Seoras found her and waited next to her for another two hours before her soul came back to her.

When Emmy showed Seoras her new found Mage powers, Seoras smiled brightly at her for the first time and knew that it was a genuine smile and not a evil, cold smile full of plans and schemes. He was genuinely happy for her. Seoras stood up and helped her up as he swung her around in circles. His laughter along with hers caused everyone to stop what they were doing to watch the miracle that happened before their eyes.

Their Master Seoras, laughing, joyfully, was that miracle.

Afterwards Emmy learned that her Mage powers was the ability of earth. Just like Seoras, she was able to grow, destroy, and manipulate plants. She was able to create mountains out of a mound and part seas. There was a reason why Ceco did not suffer droughts or floods, it was because Seoras helped control the natural elements that helped farmers prevent floods and droughts. Because of that, there was no outbreaks of infectious illnesses, for everything was within his control.

Throughout town, everyone knew who Emmy was. No one could afford insult her. Even though they heard of the rumors, no one had enough courage to say them to her face. Everyone treated her nicely and avoided her as much as they could.

It was only the soldiers who she trained with and saw every day that knew that the rumors of Emmy were not true. They have gotten to know their Lady Emmy and knew that she was hardworking, competitive, and sincere. They knew that she treated everyone well and have not seen her mistreat anyone. They gave their loyalty to her the first day she arrived, because she is their Master's wife. But over the years, that loyalty became overly protective when she treated them like brothers instead of soldiers.

As for Lady Avina. She has stayed away from Ceco ever since she heard that Seoras was married to a witch. She had immediately gone home to prepare to break the witches enchantment with the help of her family power and influence. She knew that she had no magic powers herself so she had to find willing Mages and Wizards to help her. It took her two years to find a Mage and Wizard mercenary group, The Serpent Moon. And two more years to raise enough money to hire the mercenary group.

For four years Lady Avina could only sit, wait and keep track of Seoras and Emmy's movements and rumors that ran abundant throughout the land. Every time Emmy's name was brought up, all she could do was endure all her hatred and wait for the day she'll kill Emmy and rescue Seoras from the witch's hand.

"My Lady!" The soft voice called out to her as Avina stopped writing her letter.

"What?" Avina said annoyed. She was in the middle of writing a letter to Seoras, pleading him to leave Emmy and save himself. But every letter she sent, she received no reply. All she could do is keep on writing letters to him, in hopes that one day it will be read.

"The Serpent Moon sent a message." The servant said with excitement.

"Bring it in!" She ordered the servant and placed the brush down.

The servant quickly brought the magic infused letter and gave it to Alvina. Alvina opened the letter with a drop of her blood and the letter unfolded itself before her. Alvina quickly read the letter and smiled. Her time has finally come. The Serpent Moon received half of the money and agreed to her request. The rest of the money would be paid after the job was completed. After they rescued Seoras and killed Emmy. In the letter there was a name of an inn near Ceco that they would meet in four days time and proceed into Ceco together.

"Pack up my things!" Alvina ordered as she burned the letter, destroying all evidence. "The time has come for me to save my husband."

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