❤Day 47❤

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😂😂😂 I've been laughing for 10 minutes straight from this meme... sorry for the late update on the last chapter T_T, I was so busy!! Anyways, back to the story, shall we my lovely readers 💕?

Another waitress came over to the table and she was more polite and not 'slutty' as that other waitress we had. We all ate happily until we were all full and stuffed. I wonder if we'll all tell my parents about the crash later... I hope so because I would never keep any secrets away from them. I know that they're in a good mood right now, but I don't want to hurt them either... 

"Babe?" Jungkook asked while looking at me.

I didn't notice that I had my head down, thinking about how my parents would react.

"Oh.. sorry Jungkook. What do you need, baby?" I asked while holding my head up.

His face turned concerningly and he grabbed my hand and squeezed it a bit. 

"Excuse us for a bit," Jungkook said while grabbing me along with him.

The rest of the guys, my parents, and Monica nodded. She looked at me with a concerned face. My parents were also concerned. The guys just stayed quiet and didn't want to make anything suspicious. Jungkook pulled me outside and turned to face me. He put one of his hands on my shoulder, and one on my face. I looked up at him, and his eyes were full of sadness, guilt, and concerningness. I didn't want him to be like this. Please, Jungkook.. please, don't do this now...

"Noona... I know that your nervous, scared, and feeling a lot of mixed emotions about telling your parents about the crash that you had a few days ago. I know how you feel. You feel hurt, guilty, and scared. But don't let that get over your head okay? I don't want to see you like this.. it hurts me." Jungkook said while trying to hold his tears back in. 

"Please, be happy for me... and for the rest of Bangtan. It hurts all of us to see you down on such a special day for you. I-I just don't want to see you cry, ever. Not even when I die..." Jungkook said while a tear started rolling down on his cheek.

"J-jungkook.. please don't cry. I don't want to see you cry, baby... it hurts me also to see you cry Jungkook. I' promise you that I won't let this go over my head, okay? I-I just need some time for myself.." I said while walking away from Jungkook. 

I looked up into Jungkook's eyes before walking away from him. I walked away and just left him there crying... I need to go back, I can't just leave him here crying because of me. (A/N I'm literally crying while typing this story) He's my boyfriend, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I just left him there. I stopped by the door and went back for Jungkook. I looked around to see where he was, but he was gone. 

Jungkook's POV

"J-Jungkook.. please don't cry. I don't want to see you cry, baby... it hurts me also to see you cry Jungkook. I' promise you that I won't let this go over my head, okay? I-I just need some time for myself.."  She said while walking away from me.   

She looked up into my eyes before walking away from me. Don't leave me Noona... please~ She kept walking as I saw her beautiful figure from far away... My heart ached and my mind was all over the place. It hurts me and Bangtan to see her all guilty, scared and hurt. I should go for a walk to clear my mind... I don't want to see her beautiful face crying again.. never.  I took my phone out and texted the guys telling them that I'll be walking around for a bit to clear things out of my mind. 

I started walking in the other direction. I took deep breaths in and out, clearing out all of the stress, angerness, and sadness that was in my body. I took my hood and put it over my head while my head hanging down. I feel so guilty... my mind can't even think straight right now. (italics will be Jungkook thinking in his mind) I feel like I'm the one that should be blamed for. But, there's no one to blame here. I feel like my heart got stabbed a million times. . . that's how hurt I feel right now. 

Just seeing my noona, my beautiful girlfriend... cry in front of me, even hurts me more. My heart breaks into a million pieces just seeing her cry like that. I know that it's not my fault.. or nobody's fault. But nobody would even understand how I feel. No, Jungkook.. don't let yourself down. . . you have to be strong and to face what Noona's parent's reactions are. I know that we would never hide any secrets from them. I just feel like my voice is buried . . . 

I looked up ahead of me and started walking back towards the restaurant. I kicked some rocks, here and there, not caring if anybody saw me. I should've not done this to her, to make her cry. Shit, I should've texted her also so she would know where I'm at. AISH JUNGKOOK, WHAT THE HELL!! She's probably running, searching for me crying. Please tell me that the guys told her where I am... 

End Of POV

Where's Jungkook...? Oh no, JUNGKOOK! I ran back inside of the restaurant panting.

"D-do you guys know where Jungkook is?" I said while catching my breath. 

"He's taking a little walk right now, Lila. I think it would be best if you would stay here. He would need some time for himself right now." Jin said. 

Omg, phew, I almost got a heart attack. I really want to just find him, and hug him.. be in his strong muscular arms... and feel protected. I went back outside since everyone was finished eating. I decided to call him.


"Yoboseyo?" Jungkook said.

"Jungkook! You scared me! I thought you left because you didn't want to talk to me. Where are you? We're leaving the restaurant now~ Hurry and come back please..." I said while holding my tears back in. 

*Beep Beep Beep*

Jungkook had ended the call. Please, Jungkook.. don't do anything stupid. Please. He's making me even more worried. Is he okay!? Did I do something wrong?? I started looking for him. I didn't even care anymore at this point. Jungkook... please stay with me

"JUNGKOOK! JUNGKOOK!!"  I yelled out, hoping he would hear me.

I kept running and running, searching for him. I never wanted this to happen . . . Jungkook, please come back . . . 

The 8th member of Bangtan || jeon jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now