❤Day 62❤

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"N-Noona" Jungkook said with his eyes all red and puffy. 

"Don't say shit Jungkook," I said coldly. 

Lila walked in after me and sat down. She looked at me and I looked at her. Anger was boiling up in my veins, I wanted to knock some sense into Jungkook so badly.. but I didn't want to see Lila cry again. And plus she said earlier that she didn't want any of us fighting. I took a deep breath and calmed down. 

"Yah, Jungkook.. why would you do that to Lila? You're OWN GIRLFRIEND!" I said while raising my voice a bit.

"Yah! Hold on, tell us what happened?" JHope said. 

"I'll tell you what happened alright. When Lila and I were heading back from the restaurant, we turned the corner down the hallway and saw Jungkook kiss his friend Ae-Sook." I said while keeping my calm.

"HE WHAT!" They all said at the same time.

"That's not what happened!" Jungkook said while standing up. 

"Oh, then what happened? Hm?" I asked. 

"You little piece of shit, why the fuck would you do that to Lila! YOU'RE OWN GIRLFRIEND!!" Jimin yelled. 

"HEAR ME OUT, PLEASE," Jungkook said while holding his tears back in. 

"N-Noona.. I'm sorry. Please forgive me, it's not what it looked like from what you guys saw. She was the one that kissed me, I would never kiss her, never. She wanted to confess to me again.. and when you guys came around the corner, that's when she had taken the chance to kiss me. I know you guys saw that I pushed her back and yelled at her... Please, believe me! You can even ask her! I never liked her, ever since 5 years ago she's liked me, and I never liked her. I was never her friend, I never wanted to be a friend. Why the hell would I be a friend with a crybaby and a weak little girl? Please.. believe me.. You can even ask her!" Jungkook said while dropping to the floor crying. 

"I'll go out and bring her in here," I said. 

The guys nodded and I left the room.

End Of POV

Ae-Sook's POV

My heart broke into a million pieces...  I just stood there rewinding Jungkook's words inside of my head. Wow.. so all of this time I've kept my feeling bottled up and confessed to the love of my life 2 times, and get heartbroken.. again. I looked up and saw V.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asked.

"Sure, about what?" I asked.

"Earlier. Did Jungkook kiss you, or did you kiss him while Lila and I were coming around the corner?" V asked. 

"I kissed him... V, do you know what it's like to keep your feelings bottled up for 5 freaking years and confessing to the love of your life 5 years later? I love Jungkook, V! But he keeps rejecting me.. Why does it hurt! But all I can think of is to keep trying and trying to make him mine. But I guess this is the end of it." I said while laughing crazily. 

"Look here you little bitch, Jungkook is not yours and will never be. So I suggest for your crybaby ass to go on somewhere and go find someone else to love. He never loved you, he was never your friend, and I know he would never be friends with a weak, crybaby bitch like you." V said in a cold voice. 

"Who was that Noona girl earlier, hm? Is that his girlfriend?" I asked while smirking. 

"No that's not his girlfriend, you dumb bitch. Why don't you go ask 'the love of your life' yourself." V said while walking away.

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