❤Day 55❤

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"I'm your daddy and yours only," Jungkook said huskily. 

"J-Jungkook.. what are you doing?" I asked while looking at him into his eyes. 

He looked at me and kissed me softly, I kissed back but broke the kiss. I looked at him with a confused but 'wtf are you doing' expression on my face. He looked at me and laughed. I backed away from him and he stood there laughing his ass off. I rolled my eyes and gave him a 'you little bitch' glare. I walked over near the buttons for the elevator and pressed the 'call' button and waited patiently for someone to answer.

"Babe~ Did you really think I was going to fuck you in the elevator?" Jungkook asked while calming down.

"Well, the way you acted.. yes, of course, I would think that. That was childish Jungkook." I said with a hint of anger in my voice. 

"Babe.. I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I didn't mean for you to take it that way..." Jungkook said with a hint of sadness in his voice. 

"Yoboseyo?" An unknown voice had finally answered the call. 

"Yoboseyo? We're stuck in the elevator! Can you call someone to help us out?" I said. 

"Oh, oh my god! Okay, we'll get help for you right now. Is there anybody else in there with you? The guy will be coming in 20 minutes, hold on real tight. If you have any problems, call us again." The unknown person said on the other side of the line. 

"Yes, there is another person in here with me. Thank you so much. Please hurry!" I said and the unknown person on the other line ended the call.  

The call ended and I went over to the other corner and sat down and played on my phone, scrolling through my photos and played a few games.

Jungkook's POV

"Babe~ Did you really think I was going to fuck you in the elevator?"  I asked while calming down.

"Well, the way you acted.. yes, of course, I would think that. That was childish Jungkook."  Noona said with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Babe.. I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I didn't mean for you to take it that way..."  I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Yoboseyo?" An unknown voice had finally answered the call.

"Yoboseyo? We're stuck in the elevator! Can you call someone to help us out?"  Noona said.

"Oh, oh my god! Okay, we'll get help for you right now. Is there anybody else in there with you? The guy will be coming in 20 minutes, hold on real tight. If you have any problems, call us again." The unknown person said on the other side of the line.

"Yes, there is another person in here with me. Thank you so much. Please hurry!"  Noona said and the unknown person on the other line ended the call. 

Damn, I fucked up. Oof. I should've never done that to her. Now she's mad at me.. I'll make it up to her though, I never meant to hurt her feelings like that. FUCK! What should I do? I glanced over at her and she was smiling at her phone, I wonder what she was looking at... Please, Noona I never meant to hurt you like this.. never. I walked over to her and looked down at her. She looked up at me and glanced away quickly. 

"Noona, I'm sorry. I'm being serious. I never meant to hurt you like that. Please forgive me, I'll make it up to you. Just please don't stay mad at me. I wouldn't know what I would do if my beautiful girlfriend didn't talk to me for a few days. Please Noona, I want you to talk to me..." I said while holding my tears back in. 

"Jungkook. Look, I'm sorry that I got mad at you. I know that you wouldn't fuck me in an elevator when we're stuck. I should've not taken it to heart. I'm so sorry baby boy. I'll make sure to say more words next time then overcome my actions." Noona said while getting up. 

Noona got up and I looked up at her into her beautiful dark brown eyes while a tear dropping onto my cheek. She smiled softly and pecked my lips. I pecked back and sniffled. I knew she wouldn't be mad at me for a whole day.. hopefully, that won't ever happen again. I need to watch what I'm doing with my actions. Noona means a lot to me, and I wouldn't want anything to happen between us. 

"Yoboseyo? Is anybody in there?" An unknown person said from outside of the elevator.

"Oh! Ne!! My boyfriend and I are in here! Please help us out! The elevator had stopped abruptly out of nowhere!" Noona said while shouting loudly. 

I chuckled at her cute reaction and her yelling loudly so the unknown guy could help us out. The elevator started working again 10 minutes later, wow that was quick! The guy called us back in the elevator and said that we were good to go. Ah, finally~ After a good 30 minutes of being stuck in here. I hope the guys are okay, and not worried. Well shit, we're both fucked. Jin is going to throw his 'mom' fit and give us a whole lecture now. 

The elevator stopped at level '4' and we both got out from the elevator. We headed straight back towards the dance room and Noona opened the door carefully. The guys looked over quickly and got up and hugged us both tightly. I knew they would be worried. Now, we're both fucked. 

"YAHH! WHERE WERE YOU BOTH? EXPLAIN PLEASE!" Jin said while looking at us worriedly. 

"Noona went to the bathroom and I had to go to the bathroom too, so then I said something to her and she started chasing me around. Then we both had gone in the elevator to come back, but it got stuck and we waited for 20 minutes for a guy to help us and the elevator had worked again in like 10 minutes. We had no signal in the elevator so we couldn't text any of you. Sorry, Hyung.." I said while looking down. 

"Aish, please don't scare all of us like that again. We all forgive you. Just next time, tell us before you wander off with your girlfriend~" Jin said while chuckling a bit. 

The guys all hugged us both once more and let go. They all went back to practicing the dances before the tour in a few weeks. I can't wait for Noona to come with us on tour! I bet she's excited~ Aigoo, when is her last audition going to be though? The guys and I are all anticipated on when it is. I'll ask Noona later. 

"Noona, Can we talk somewhere?" I asked.

"Sure, we'll be right back guys, Jungkook and I are going to have a talk," Noona said while leaving the room behind me. 

"Look. Noona. About earlier, I'm sorry. Seriously. I mean it. I really didn't mean to hurt you like that, and I had promised both of your parents and your best friend that I wouldn't hurt you in any way. You know that I love you too much for anything to happen to us. You're too special to me, and especially the guys... you're like a little sister to them and your like the most precious gem that I have and wouldn't want to ever lose. Do you know how much you mean to me Noona? I can't even explain it in my own words-" I said but Noona cut me off.

She kissed me

"I love you Jungkook. That's all that matters, is that we both love each other" 

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