❤Day 56❤

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"I love you Jungkook. That's all that matters, is that we both love each other." Noona said while smiling. 

I smiled back at her and pecked her lips once more before holding her hand and walking back to the dance room. I opened the door and saw the guys tired and on the floor. I should start practicing too, the tour is in a few weeks and that's going to come by really quick. Plus, it means a lot to me and Bangtan. We always want to do our best and make our concerts as fun as we can for ARMY. Noona let go of my hand and sat on the couch and played on her phone. 

"Jungkook-ah, let's all practice now that you're here. The rest of us has already practiced each of our parts but then we also need to practice as a group. Let's go! Fighting!" JHope said. 

"Fighting!" The rest of us said in sync.

End Of POV

I sat down on the couch and played on my phone. I went to my messages and texted my best friend, she's probably bored and not doing anything without me. I miss her so much, I wonder if she can come and visit! Oh, wait wait. I'll go and surprise her! She'll be so happy~ I got up from the couch and went out of the room. I'll text the guys about it later because they're busy right now so I don't want to interrupt them. I went towards the elevator and clicked on number 2. The elevator doors closed and started going down.

2 minutes later...


The elevator doors had opened and I got out of the elevator. I was walking towards the main lobby and I bowed to the CEO and the staff who were working and said 'Annyeong~' to all of them politely. I went outside of the company and saw the van still there. I texted the driver and waited for him patiently. While I was waiting I decided to text my best friend.

Me: "Hey best friend! How are you doing! I miss you so much! I have great news to tell you, and I can't wait to see you soon when I have time. The guys say hi and that they miss you haha. I hope that my parents are doing fine. Tell them I said hi, and I miss them! I'll visit them soon too. Whatcha up too tho?" -3:30 PM

Read - 1:32 PM

Bestfriend💗😆 is typing...

"Hey, best friend! I'm pretty well, and awe I miss you more! Tell me the great news!! Oh, and also your parents are doing fine. They're staying with me since they got kicked out of their house... but I'm helping them out, so they'll be fine. I'll surely tell them that you said Hi. When are you coming to visit us again? We all miss you so much best friend ☹. Please visit us soon~" -3:34 PM

I read the message and looked up. The driver was waiting for me and I walked over to the van. He opened the door for me I got in the car and put my mask on because I don't want anything suspicious to happen, like a paparazzi to take pictures of me and then post them on the internet and social media. 

"Where would you like to go, miss?" The driver asked.

"Oh, I would like for you to drop me off at ****, *****, please. Thank you~" I said while putting my seatbelt on. 

"Are you a friend of BTS? or what? I've been seeing you hang around with them a lot! You guys sure are close haha~ I'm curious miss~" The driver asked while smiling. 

"Oh, aniyo~ I'm living with them haha. I'm going to become a member of the band soon~ My parents had become bankrupt and they knew BTS and they were really close with my parents. So my parents moved me over to live with them." I said while smiling a bit. 

The 8th member of Bangtan || jeon jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now