❤Day 63❤

61 3 8

I hesitated for a bit before sending the message. I clicked 'send' and the message sent. I kept walking around and walked towards Haeundae beach. I walked on the near the shore and breathed in the nice smell of nature and the beach. Every time I come here, it makes me happy, I think of positive things, and it makes me feel relaxed. I felt my phone vibrate and looked at the screen. It was Noona...

자기💗💍: "I'm coming..." -12:45 PM

My heart beat 20 times faster, I smiled a bit and my body calmed down. I sat down on a bench close by and scrolled through my phone. I heard footsteps walking closer near my direction. I looked up and it was Noona. She sat down beside me and I put my phone away and turned her direction. Please believe me Noona... My pain, my heart, and my feelings for you are never going to fade away.. you know that I love you. 

"Noona.." I said while taking a deep breath. 

I got up and went over to her and faced her. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that Noona. It hurts me, and I know it hurts you also. She was the one that kissed me, you know that I would never kiss another girl. You're mines and only mines Noona. Please believe me... I can't bear to have all of this stress, pain, guilt, and sorrow in me. I love you and only you Noona. If you don't say anything, not even a word... I'm fine with that. But just please, give me a smile... I miss that smile of yours. Each and every word that I'm saying right now, to you.. face to face is like every second, every minute that I'm with you right now. Please don't leave me Noona.. I-I can't even think of my life without you in it. You're the most amazing gift that God has ever given me. Every time that I'm with you, I still get butterflies and I still get a bit nervous, but I always feel like I'm in another world with you. You mean the whole world to me Noona, I can't express it in my own words but right now, I would tell the whole world if I could if I wanted too. Is it true.. that I love you? Yes... I do a lot. Just please believe in me Noona~ I-I love you too much, for you to leave me..~" I said while getting on my knees crying into her lap. 

She put both of her hands on my head and lifted my face up. She looked at me and she was crying also. She smiled and wiped my tears with both of her index fingers. I sniffled here and there, and she laughed at my cute sniffles. There's that smile and laugh that I want to hear and see every day ~ 

"J-Jungkook.. I'm sorry I took things out of hand- I- I can't even explain how hurt I was when I saw you and that girl kissing. My heart dropped, my heart broke into a million pieces.. it was like my whole world was just crushed down. I-I didn't even know what to do or say.. it's like it felt like you had broken your promise and betrayed me.. but I know that you would never do that. I love you a lot Jungkook.. and I don't want us to fall apart.. ever. I'll still be in your life with you forever~" Noona said while showing her beautiful smile. 

"I love you Noona.." I said while getting up and bending down to kiss her. 

She kissed me back and I smiled. I broke the kiss and looked at her puffy cute face. I chuckled a bit and wiped her tears off with both of my index fingers. She got up from the bench and stared into my eyes, and I stared right back into her beautiful dark brown orbs. Thank you Noona.. for understanding me, for loving me, and for not leaving me~ I pecked her lips once more and smiled at her. She smiled back with a little giggle. 

"Let's go back, shall we?" I said.

"Yea, the guys will be wondering where we're at," Noona said while chuckling.

I chuckled and intertwined her hands into mines and started heading back to the building. While we were walking back I saw some paparazzi, so I pulled Noona a bit faster and covered her a bit. She noticed the paparazzi and sped walk a bit. 

10 minutes later...

We arrived back at the company and it was already 1:15 PM. We took the stairs and walked towards the dance room. I opened the door and everybody looked at us smiling. 

"So..? You guys figured everything out now?" V asked.

"We still need an explanation ya know!" Jimin said.

"Alright alright, I'll explain everything. I just hope that you guys will believe me after this.." I said while showing a soft smile. 

"So.. 5 years ago, me and Ae-Sook were 'friends' I was her 'friend' because I felt bad for her. But to be honest I didn't. I was just pretending to be her friend. So out of the blue for a couple of months from that, she had confessed to me and did all of these huge things for me. I didn't want to break the little girl's heart so after she had confessed to me, you know I just had to kindly reject her. I never liked her at all. I don't even know why I hung out with her. She was crazy, useless, pathetic, and a weak crybaby. It got really annoying. So up till now, when Noona and V hyung were going to get food, I guess she had took the chance to try and confess to me again. She was right in the middle of confessing to me when I had cut her off and cussed her out. Then after I did that, while  Noona and V hyung were walking around the corner, she took the chance to kiss me to seem like I was kissing her." I said while taking a deep breath. 

End Of POV

Lila's POV

Earlier when Jungkook had said all of those sweet and beautiful things to me, I should've realized that love can be hurtful, but also beautiful at the same time.. thanks all to you Jungkook~ I shouldn't have taken things out of hand, but just seeing Jungkook.. kissing another girl in front of my eyes broke my heart. I guess love can have it's ups an downs.. but once you find the right one.. the right person to be in your life with you, it'll all make sense. 

I guess Jungkook was the one for me after all. It's like God gave me such a special and precious gift to put in my life with me. I love you Jungkook.. I always will, no matter what. Even if we have our bad days, our bad arguements.. we'll always solve a problem around it and forgive each other. I love you Jeon Jungkook.. I will until the day that I die~

Here's another chapter for you guys~ I cried while typing this chapter and listening to BTS- Butterfly Prologue bhkasdkb😭😭💕. 

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