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Advice Request
This person needs advice on writing stories.

Answered Submission

My main piece of advice for writing stories is to write for yourself. By that, I mean don't worry about trying to publish a story on Wattpad or any other website—just write the story that you want to write for yourself. As soon as you add the pressure of trying to get a chapter published by a certain day or worrying about what people are thinking about it, you start to lose focus on the actual story. This way, you can write at your own pace without deadlines or people's opinions until you are absolutely ready for them.

Everyone writes stories differently. Some plan a quick outline, others plan each chapter and event out (details vary with each person too), whereas others will quite easily sit down in front of a blank page and write. I would say try different methods and stick with the one that works for you the most. I know that I can't plan each chapter in detail, but I do like to have a rough idea of what I want to happen in a chapter before I write it.

Don't worry too much about whether an idea has been done too much or not enough either. If you have an idea, plan it, draft it, and keep writing it. If you don't have an idea but know you want to write something, take experiences from your own life and use them as inspiration. Take inspiration from your favourite authors. Do you like a specific genre? Maybe write something related to that genre.

I could go on and on, but everything comes back to writing what you want to write and not worrying about anyone else's opinion just yet.

Good luck with any future stories you write. I'm sure they'll be great!

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