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Advice Request

The requestor told someone they like them but haven't got a response back yet. 

Answered Submission


I'm sorry to hear about your boy trouble. You know, girls are supposed to be the confusing ones, but in all honesty, boys can be pretty darn puzzling themselves. 

Moving on, you want to know what you should do about your crush and his confusing antics. Here's the deal: Sometimes waiting can be one of the hardest things in the world. When the anticipation is rising and the suspense is building and you want nothing more but for the answer to come bursting out in front of you. I get it. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work like that. There are times when we have no choice but to wait and be patient. 

Sweetheart, waiting is no fun, but it is your best option. Wait for him to come to you. Besides, you've already made it this far. Just a few more days. In the meantime, try not to overthink the situation. I know it is easier said than done, but it is possible. I believe in you, girl! 

Just try an stay focused on school, or work, or even a hobby. Busy yourself if that's what you need to do to keep the gears from overturning. 

There is more than just him in your life, so until he gives you his answer, wait for his smile again and wait for his words. Busy yourself and take care of yourself until then. Good luck with everything! 

I hope this helps and it all goes well!

Stay strong, 

The Advice Column Team

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