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Advice Request
The requestor isn't friends with everyone in their friendship group.

Answered Submission

First of all, it's great that you want to (or wanted to) try to be friends with this girl for another friend even though you don't particularly like her. However, because you don't like her, it might be more difficult to establish a connection with her due to your preconceived opinions of her.

Before you start the new school year, is there any way that you can talk to this girl and ask her why she is dramatising things that you have done? By trying to talk to her before classes start next year, you might have a chance of clearing the air with her, and that could result in the class being a little more pleasant for you, as you won't feel like these girls are trying to make it insufferable.

If there's no way that you can clear the air before you start class, then I would say to wait it out and see how the class turns out. If you feel like they are trying to start stuff with you, then speak to a teacher because that's part of what the teacher is there for: to help you with these things (especially if they do start things with you and try to get a reaction from you). You shouldn't try to face it on your own. Never react to anything that they do to try to wind you up; it will only make things worse.

The way to react to their childish and ignorant behaviour is to be mature and not react at all. If it gets annoying for you, then, again, speak to a teacher, and let that teacher know that they are distracting. If it's possible, you could ask to move seats and see if one of your closest friends will move with you—that way you won't be isolating yourself completely from the group.

Class, school, and friendships are difficult. The important thing to remember is that, whilst friendships are important, so are your classes. This is not necessarily just for your grades, but also for the experience that school gives you. Every individual will have a different experience at school, and everyone will have their own story to tell. That's something you'll have to remember if any situation occurs; you'll be able to ask yourself "is this distraction/behaviour/attitude going to be something I want to be a part of my story?" If the answer is "no" or "it shouldn't be," then you have to do something to change it.

I hope this helps,

The Advice Column Team

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