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Advice Request
This person feels that their friends do not value their friendship.

Answered Submission
Hello sweetheart. I'm really sorry to know that you feel like this.

It's natural to try to find love in others. I was in the exact same position as you when I was younger. We think that receiving love from others is the key to our happiness; it isn't.

Here's one thing you have to understand and accept: It is not the job of others to love you. It is yours. People sometimes need a reason to be with you. Not everyone is going to stay, and that is completely okay.

It is really of no use to cry for someone who doesn't care about you. If you are there for your friends at the time of their need, then that's great. Unfortunately you cannot always expect the same from them. Every person is different, and every person shows love differently. They give only the love that they can understand. Maybe one day there will be someone else who will give you the same amount of love that you give out to the world.

My advice for you is this: Love yourself wholeheartedly. If you find a flaw in yourself that makes you think, "maybe this is why he/she doesn't like me," then accept that flaw. Love it. There is only one you in this world, and you are so, so important. This universe needs you just as much as you need yourself.

Do not be disheartened my darling. You have so much of this beautiful world to explore, so many years of joy ahead of you. For now, make friends with that lovely self of yours. It will make a lot of difference.


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