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Advice Request
This person wants to know that should guys always express their feelings.

Answered Submission

Should someone show one’s feelings all the time or only once in a while? I don’t really think there’s any right or wrong answer as the answer would actually be up to the individuals.

Some people are more comfortable with a more expressive partner, despite themselves being less expressive. But some people feel comfortable with a less expressive partner and might feel suffocated if they're partnered with someone that’s too expressive. Some people prefer the middle ground. I can’t really answer your question about that.

When I was younger, I used to think that guys are this cool and calm version of humans while girls are the more emotional version of humans. (Yeah, I know it sounds bad). but as I grew up and have been able to watch and observe my surroundings better, I realise that guys are actually similar to girls. At the end of the day, guys and girls are still of the same species, and we all know how every person is different from one another. Some guys are more expressive, and some guys are not as expressive, so him being less expressive might be a result of his upbringing, or it's just that that is the way that he is.

You’ve stated that he shows his feelings through the way he treats you, so I don’t really think you should feel upset that he rarely says his feelings first. Actions do speak louder than words. I, personally, am not an expressive person. I could count one one hand how many times I actually say I love you to other people, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t love them.

So I think that you should not worry much about this. If you are bothered by it, you can try telling him that you would prefer if he expresses himself more, but for him to be expressive overnight is impossible, and you shouldn’t be so hung up about it, as people show love in different ways.

I hope this helps!

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