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Advice Request
This person likes someone who does not want to be in a long distance relationship.

Answered Submission
Hi there!

Long distance relationships are never easy, especially if it’s your partner’s first relationship. You’ve known from the start that long distance will not be easy, and I’m glad you understand that.

I know you probably know this, but in order to make a relationship work, efforts are needed. Be it a romantic relationship or just a platonic relationship, efforts are important. An effort does not have to be big; it just requires both sides to try their best to reciprocate the effort. Like you said, a simple ‘hi’ would be enough.

Him not texting back for three days straight does not sound good, at least to me—especially if he’s the type to always reply to texts. I have friends that are actually that bad at replying to text messages when we went home as we’re living in different states. Some of my friends might as well have gone to outer space during my semester break because I would not hear from them for days before they appeared again out of nowhere to reply briefly to texts before disappearing again.

What you can do is try to ask him for one last time and ask him to be honest. Ask him whether he really wants to remain friends or not because his words don’t really match his actions. People always say that actions speak louder than words. Don’t let him toy with your feelings anymore after this.

For now, I think it’s best if you take some time away from him completely by hanging out with your other friends. Get your mind off of him. It might let yourself cool down from everything. You might need to take a breather and think everything through again.

It sucks that you have feelings for a guy who seems to not be interested in you anymore. It sucks that his feelings for you do not seem to be as strong as your feelings for him are. And it’s okay to be frustrated. Let yourself feel sad. You’ll get out of it in time.

I hope this helps!

Wishing you the best of luck,

The Advice Column Team

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