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Advice Request
This person's girlfriend is suffering from a disorder and they don't know how to help her.

Answered Submission

In cases where someone has a disorder, just like your girlfriend, the most important step to take is to seek help from a professional. A professional would then put the person in a therapy situation in order to combat the disorder that the person has.

However, I know that it's hard to convince someone to go seek professional help, especially when you're not in the same place as her. It would be better if you somehow can find a way to meet her and accompany her to an appointment with a doctor. Personally, I find it better to go somewhere with the person that I care about as a form of support.

It seems that you often feel helpless and hopeless, like your words fall on deaf ears, but I really hope that you won't give up on her. People in situations like hers very much need help and support. Just remember to take care of your own mental and physical health as well.

Other things that you can do:

1. Keep on saying that she's already great the way she is. I know you're doing this already, so keep on doing that.
2. Make her know that you're there for her so that she knows she's not going through this alone and that you're there to help.
3. Don't criticise her choice. I know you don't agree with what she's doing, but it's very crucial not to be judgmental of her disorder.

The most important thing is to keep on supporting her, and finally help her seek professional help.

I hope this helps, and I hope that your girlfriend will get better in time. <3

Lots of love,

The Advice Column Team

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