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Advice Request
This person feels heartbroken because of many reasons.

Answered Submission

Seeing someone you love or like will always hurt. I promise you, in time, the pain won't be as bad as it is now because time is the best healer.

It does suck when you realise that your physical looks do not match with what your society considers beautiful. However, you should remember that everyone perceives beauty differently. Very differently actually, so that's why you should not pay attention to what you think people might think is beautiful. Big eyes are something that a lot of people want in where I live. Even thick lips are wanted by a lot of girls. So remember that even if your features are different than what people around you think is beautiful, it does not mean you are not beautiful.

I don't know what you meant by having different skin from other people. If you meant it in a way that your skin tones are different than people around you, you should know that all skin tones are beautiful. And even if it's because of a skin conidition that you can't help, know that everyone is different. You can try searching about Winnie Harlow.

Having no one liking you romantically does not mean you're worthless. People who are worthless are bad people - people who commit crimes just for their personal liking. That's who I would deem worthless. You, on the other hand, are not worthless.

Right now, it may feel like someone is never going to love you. But there is still the future ahead of you. Who knows if you'll meet a greater guy that is worth all the wait.

Before I end this, I saw that you like BTS. Jin said it himself in Epiphany, "I'm the one I should love in  this world. Shining me, precious soul of mine. I finally realized so I love me. Not so perfect but so beautiful." Being loved by someone is a great feeling but loving yourself is a greater feeling. :)

I hope that you'll be able to feel better after this.

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