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Advice Request
This person wants advice on their relationship regarding jealousy and mental health.

Answered Submission


First of all, well done for noticing that the relationship wasn't good for you and doing something about it! It takes a lot of courage to recognise those things and to act on them.

I think in those situations, feeling a little jealous is okay as long as you don't let it affect your relationship. You just have to remember that the type of person each of you has been in the past doesn't matter because you are with each other now. If you really want to do something about it, mention how it makes you feel jealous when his past relationships are brought up, and explain to him why you feel like that. I'm sure he'll understand any worries or concerns that you have, and he will try to help ease them.

As for helping him with his mental health, my advice would be to just be there for him. When things get tough, don't walk away at the first sign of difficulty. Stick with him and show him that his mental health won't affect the relationship in a major way. If he wants to talk to you about it, listen to him, and if he asks for any help or advice from you, be honest with him and help him in any way you can. Don't stress yourself out if you don't know how to help him. Ask him how you can help him, and show him that you're open-minded and willing to accept everything about him.

I hope this helps!

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