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Advice Request
This person is confused whether to give long distance relationship a try or not.

Answered Submission

If you're struggling to tell him what you're wanting to say over the phone and can't see each other in person due to the distance, then I think messaging him about it is perfectly acceptable. This is especially true if you believe that you'll be able to explain yourself better this way than if it were a conversation over the phone.

As previously mentioned, long distance relationships are very difficult. It this is something that you two discuss, then you will both need to be 110% sure that it's what you want and be willing to commit to it and trust in each other. I know from personal experience that being in a relationship with distance involved is difficult (although I'm lucky that we can still see each other regularly). There will be times when you will wish you could do something together, but your plans and lifestyles won't work out like that. It will hurt that you can't see each other, but when you do get to see each other, the time spent together will be so special.

Before any decision is made, you definitely need to speak to him and discuss all possibilities. Since you've said that your mum asks about him sometimes, maybe you could speak to her about it too. Ask her what she thinks about you possibly being in a long distance relationship with him.

In regards to overthinking and worrying that you'll mess things up, take it from a fellow overthinker who also thought the exact same thing: it doesn't matter. If he genuinely likes you, then you won't "mess" things up. Instead, you'll both move past it and move on from whatever happens.

I hope this helps,

The Advice Column Team

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