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Advice Request
This person has mixed feeling for two different people.

Answered Submission 
Hi there!

I'm sorry to hear that you're stuck in a tough spot. Although you love both of them, you will have to make a choice at some point. If you don't, it's going to harm both of them and mostly yourself.

I'd like you to step back and ask yourself some questions:

Will you be able to live without A/J?
How do you feel around A/J?
What will make you happier, being with A or J?

If you choose A, you might still have to confront J a lot, and his presence might put you in confusion. If you choose J, you might get over A faster. However, that's just from my point of view.

You need to understand what your heart really wants. Once you do, take that step, and stay firm in your decision. Going back and forth from A to J might harm you, and you might end up alone.

Think about it, and be wise.

I hope this helps,

The Advice Column Team

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