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Advice Request
This person admitted to liking a guy to avoid confronting about liking someone else. Now they are going to meet that guy's sister and is confused about what to say.

Answered Submission

It might seem like a pretty complicated and anxious situation, but I hope you can sit down and try to be calm and rational about this.

It was wrong of your friend to tell J about your “crush” on him, so you may want to confront them about this. In the long run, it won’t matter much if J’s sister does talk to you about your crush on her brother. In a few months, this situation might seem nothing to you.

For now, you might be a little tense, and that is understandable. If you do meet J’s sister, you can simply try to avoid the topic. If she asks you about it, just apologize and say you’re not ready to talk about it yet. If she insists and forces you to talk about it, excuse yourself and leave. Other than that, you can also try avoiding her in the first place.

In conclusion, be calm, sweetheart. In the end, nothing too bad can happen. J’s sister won’t scream about your crush or anything. Avoid her if you are too uncomfortable. Talk politely about other topics if you want to be nice. Simply deny talking about your supposed crush on J; you have the right to privacy.

Good luck with tomorrow! Hope everything goes well and you smile lots.

Thank you,

The Advice Column Team

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