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Advice Request
This person's ex has a crush on them.

Answered Submission

That’s quite a common thing especially after a breakup. Exes often have lingering feelings or have their crushes resurface a lot.

Knowing that you have moved on and are currently in a relationship, I suggest you and your partner have a talk about this first. Trust him, and tell him to trust you as well.

If your ex hasn’t spoke about his crush on you or hasn't tried to make a move on you, just ignore it. However, if he has, then after setting things completely right with your current boyfriend, talk with your ex and tell him that since you’re happily in a relationship with another person, you have to reject him. If it makes you uncomfortable, tell him that. Tell your ex whatever you think about this situation. Maybe he hasn't moved on yet, but maybe he will find someone else when the time is right. Don’t be straight out harsh at first. Try explaining kindly how you already have a boyfriend. If he is persistent, maybe tell him harshly or block him. But remember to talk and stay calm at first.

Also, remember to be honest with your boyfriend and to tell him everything about the entire situation to avoid future conflicts.

I hope this helps!

Thank you,

The Advice Column Team

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