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Advice Request
This person wants to discuss a matter with their doctor without having their mother involved.

Answered Submission

I have to admit, if the same situation were to happen to me, I'd probably be losing my mind right now from the nervous thoughts. However, at the same time I could sense from your request that you actually know what you have to do but you don't know how to do it.

I don't really have the information on where you are living, so I'm not sure about the way things completely work in your place, but I'm sure you've heard of doctor-patient confidentiality. A doctor is not allowed to talk about private matters regarding your health in front of other people. In your situation, since you are still a minor, it seems that your parents are among the people who can know about you as they are your guardians. However, there is still a chance that your doctor won't talk about it in front of your parents. Even if you are technically a minor, it is still something that a doctor cannot disclose to other people unless it is absolutely needed. From what I've read, most doctors are not allowed to disclose matters like sexual activities, alcohol use, and a few other matters to parents despite their patients being minors.

A few ways on how you can do this are:
1. Inform the counter or your doctor beforehand by calling them, and tell them about your situation. Request that it be kept confidential from other people aside from your doctor.
2. If you can't call them, you can try emailing them or writing them a note and giving it to them as a way to inform them of your situation.
3. You can also request for a few minutes of private session before your mother joins you. I know this might raise some suspicion from your mother, but you still have that matter where you need to discuss the shots. If you can't meet the doctor without your mother being present, you can try to discuss it with your doctor through emails or calls.

You had said at the end of your request how you did not regret what you did because you think it is right. I have to applaud that strong resolve of yours. I believe that you will have the strength to go through this. And I do lean more towards you informing your doctor about it since you've said that it is important for you to not lie about it.

I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck.


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