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Advice Request
This person is very upset and is facing many problems.

Answered Submission

First of all, I want to say that you can come to us anytime if you have anything that you want to share. You don’t have to apologise. We’re happy to be able to offer a helping hand even if we might live across the globe from you.

It is hard to be in your situation where no one seems to care for you. I feel like you’re already a strong person for being able to still ask help from us and stop yourself from doing something that you would regret. The things that you’ve gone through are so much already, and I want you to know that you’re a really strong person for being able to go through that.

Not getting good grades does not mean that you're failing in life. It does not mean you’re just a waste of space. You might not have found your calling yet. School is academically oriented, so people who lack in academic aspects might feel like they’re a failure for not being able to excel in what they’re not good at. To be honest, I do excel in school, but I suck at literally anything else. I suck in arts. I suck in sports. I suck in public speaking. Just remember, not being good at something does not mean you are a failure. It is just not for you. You’ll find something for you sooner or later, if you haven't already found the one thing you’re very good at.

Good people would not look at you differently just because you have all these situations going on. They might treat you more carefully, but I feel like it’s a defense mechanism because they want you to feel better and not feel worse from all the bad things that are happening in your life. Please do tell the closest friend that you have. If that’s not an option, I advise you to go to the school counsellor or to the closest teacher to you that you have. A good school counsellor will know the best method to make you feel better and to cope with everything that’s going on. Life does suck sometimes, and it’s not a bad thing to ask for other people’s assistance in making everything easier.

I hope this helps and that your life will be better as soon as possible.

Lots of love,

The Advice Column Team

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