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Advice Request
This person wants to know how to be less awkward around the guy they like.

Answered Submission

It's completely normal to feel awkward and nervous when you're around your crush. It might help you to start with small steps.

Since you find it hard to hang out with him alone without getting nervous, bringing your friends might help make you more confident.

Plan what you want to talk about. Find a starting point for your conversations–like asking about homework or discussing current events–and other things will come naturally after that. Having something to focus on might help you to forget your nervousness.

Lastly, I want to say that it’s okay to make mistakes. If I were your crush, I wouldn’t really find it weird if someone stuttered a few times in a conversation. No one is a robot, and I’m sure he would be understanding.

I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck!


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