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Advice Request
This person has been thinking a lot about a boy recently.

Answered Submission

I think the reason you feel different about him and can't stop thinking about him is because you two have never really talked. It’s normal that your mind would wander to his thoughts when you don’t know what they are. Here's the thing, you can't really know what he thinks about you unless he communicates it. Since you two are in an awkward phase, starting a conversation seems a little difficult. If you think about his perspective, he might think that you aren't interested, because you never said “bye” after that party.

You can take a few steps though. When you see him next, give him a smile. No need to approach him. Just a smile is enough. If he smiles back at you, cool. If he comes forward to talk or greet you, that's an even better sign to show you that he hasn't forgotten about what happened.

A kiss won't tell you much about a person, so I suggest that if you ever start talking to him to get to know him better. This would help you decide if you like him, and help you figure out if he likes you.

I hope this helps. Good luck,

The Advice Column Team

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