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Advice Request
This person has a lot of regrets.

Answered Submission

Regrets are something that everyone experiences throughout their lives. They stem from not having the knowledge or experience of the other option that was part of a decision. The regret you are feeling is because you don’t know what would’ve happened if you had gone back and thoroughly explained yourself; it’s from not knowing what would’ve happened if you hadn’t spoken your feelings, your truth, at that moment in time.

Although you are feeling this way, and your mind might be convincing you that you were in the wrong and are a horrible person, it’s not true; you did and said what you had to do in that moment. The reality is that if you hadn’t said how you felt, then you probably would’ve regretted that too.

I think that you might continue to feel regret in other aspects of your life too, but it’s a normal thing to feel, and you just have to trust that what you did was the right thing to do in that moment. And if something turns out to be the “wrong” decision, then your life will have a way of rectifying it so that you can have another chance.

If you are feeling regret that it has held you back from certain things, you could try to go back to making some friends—being mindful of your online safety—and try to make some more friends or reconnect with the old friends you had and explain everything to them. Times have changed now, and you have grown and developed as a person too, so things might be different.

But one thing you shouldn’t do is live your life feeling regretful; instead, live your life thinking of all the positives. Focus on the reasons behind your decisions and trust yourself.

I hope this helps,

The Advice Column Team

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