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Advice Request
This person is stressed about a move.

Answered Submission

It is understandable that you and your family are worried about moving to a new place. Most humans naturally are afraid of things that they do not know, and when a person is anxious, they're going to be stressed too.

However, at the end of the day, you have to face it: you're really moving no matter what your feelings are.

I know you are scared to leave the best life that you currently have, but you don't know what the future holds for you! You're going to a new place, and hopefully you're going to see a lot of other things and learn new stuff there.

What I think could help with this move is for you to:

1. Research the place you're moving to.

Find fun things that locals there do during their free time, and make a plan to go there when you move. These could be places to have fun with your friends or even your family.

2. Keep in touch with your friends.

You may be moving away, but that doesn't mean that you have to lose contact with your friends. Make future plans with them to meet, if it's possible. Talk to them on social media or through messaging apps. My friends and I are currently scattered around different states, but we continue to talk and make video calls.

3. Make new friends in your new place.

Making new friends doesn't mean that you're leaving your old friends behind.

4. Plan well.

Make sure you and your family have a good plan for moving, like with packing, for instance. It might help to make your move a little less stressful.

You don't have to feel bad that you haven't let your friends get past your wall. It's okay. You're not going to stop being friends with them when you move. You can still slowly let them know about your pain and everything through messaging apps, as I have mentioned earlier.

I hope this will help you a lot. Have a nice day, and I hope everything goes well!


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