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Advice Request
This person wants to approach their crush but doesn't know how.

Answered Submission

Where do you start? Why don’t you ask yourself where you want to take these feelings of yours after this? Do you want to tell him, or do you want to move on?

If you do want to tell him, there are a few things you should do first before confessing. You’ve mentioned how you guys have never talked. Well, it would be good if you'd find the chance to start up a conversation with him, just to get to know him. If it’s too nerve-wracking to just directly start talking to him, you could ask for the help of your friends. Are any of them acquaintances or friends of his?

Slowly, you can build up the courage to confess to him by getting to know him first, and he can also get to know you as a person. But if you don’t want to get to know him, you can just confess to him without all the hassle of being friends with him. However, personally, I would advise you to get to know him because knowing someone’s personality is actually great at helping to make up your mind on whether you want to confess or not. Sometimes, when we’re crushing on a stranger, we tend to make up a fake image of them where they’re this perfect person for us, but in reality, they’re not.

If you don’t want to confess to him and you're asking for a way to move on and forget him:

1. Avoid the hallways where you know you’re going to see him. If you always see him, you’re going to end up being reminded of your feelings for him.
2. Fill up your time with something else. You have free time that you spend looking for him? Do something else that might distract you. Join an activity that would require a lot of your attention.
3. Think everything through thoroughly. Why do you like him? Is he really the person you painted in your mind? This helps me a lot, usually because most of the time, the person I like is very different than what I thought they would be like.

I really hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck with whatever you want to do.


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