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Advice Request

The requestor feels like they are being ignored by everyone and it makes them feel unimportant. 

Answered Submission


Let's talk about the first problem first. It is quite odd that your ex, now a good friend of yours, is suddenly ignoring you. Maybe there is a reason, maybe there's not. He could just want to stop being friends because he's lost interest naturally.

I would definitely advise you to ask him privately why he's ignoring you, and explain that you feel ignored recently. Say it in a non-accusatory way. Don't ask over texts, ask in person. There's no way of knowing why this is happening unless you ask him directly in a straightforward fashion.

Second, the problem is most definitely with your friends and not you. It is completely selfish and rude to put down someone for not having a relationship. There is nothing wrong with being single.

Either talk to your friends about how they're hurting you and how you feel bad, or you drop them. I would suggest that you try to make better friends with someone who values you as a person and doesn't value you being in a relationship. This is important, whether or not you already have a group of friends. You always need more people on the side that can comfort you.

If you think your friends are good people, you could advise them to stop hanging around like couples and hang around like friends. Tell them you feel left out as a friend, which is wrong. Tell them you feel unimportant and ignored. I hope they will understand this. If they don't, please go ahead with the first suggestion.

I hope everything goes well! Good luck with it!

Stay strong and know you matter to people, especially people like family.

Thank you,

The Advice Column Team

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