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Advice Request
This person is unsure if they should date someone who is moving away.

Answered Submission

Hello there,

I'm glad you took the initiative of telling him. Better late than never. Since you said you are graduating soon, there's a huge chance for you two to end up in the same college.

My advice for you would be to talk to him about it while you hang out. Ask him if he really wants it to work. If both of you are willing to do this long distance thing, then there's no reason to not do it. One way to drive out awkwardness between you two is to simply talk about other, random stuff to ease the tension before you get to the point.

Here's what you have to keep in mind:

Long distance relationships mean trusting in your partner.

It also means having another level of understanding and keeping your insecurities aside.

Both of you won't have all the time for each other, since you will be living different lives.

If you really do go for it, I'd suggest you to keep your relationship healthy by doing things that couples do. Talk at least once a day. Ask the other how they are doing. Tell them about your day. Ask about how their day was. Apart from these daily conversations, you can make things better by going on a virtual date. Virtual dates are awkward at first, but it is a really good way to spend time with your loved one when distance is a barrier.

You also said he might visit at least once a year. Make some plans ahead. Take him to places when he visits. Surprise him. Anything that could bring a smile to your partner's face.

I really hope you end up in the same college.

Good luck!

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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