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Advice Request
This person wants to feel better about their moving out of their cousin's place.

Answered Submission

Everyone experiences moving away once in a while, and it’s understandable to feel attached to things and people when moving away. However, it’s also a part of life to continue moving on. You’re not moving on from the things and people; they’ll still be in your heart and be just a phone call away sometimes. But you should understand and accept such changes in life. Changes are an everyday part of our life, and we should accept them willingly. Once we do that, all the bad feelings wash away, and we can continue living happily.

You can always call and talk to your cousins whenever you want. This will also be a new opportunity to discover new people and have more new and fun experiences. Indulging in your favorite activities could also help you enjoy your time and focus on something other than moving.

It may seem like a big event, but after a while, you’ll adjust, and it won’t seem as much of a big deal. There is nothing wrong with being nervous. But also be excited, and look forward to it.

I hope everything goes well and you enjoy yourself!

Thank you,

The Advice Column Team

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