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Advice Request
This person would like to have more people view their work.

Answered Submission
Hey there!

Even if we do get plenty of requests to take care of, we will still answer everyone's request fair and square. We wouldn't ignore you. We will always try our best to help everyone, and that means you included! :)

You're a kind person, and I hope that quality of yours will never change. Your intentions alone are wonderful and honourable. The world needs more people like you. (Side note: when I read your request, I felt warm because you sound like a really wonderful person.)

Even if our situations are a little bit different, I know what it feels like to have little to no reads. As someone who has written stories on Wattpad before, it's hard to keep it up when your hard work is not noticed by people. However, it's no excuse for me to give up, or for you to give up either. I write stories because I like to, and you help people because you want to. Sometimes, the way people react is not the way we want them to, but just know that things not being easy doesn't mean we should give up.

This could be hard to swallow, but there are millions—according to Wikipedia, there are 400 millions—of books on Wattpad. Due to Wattpad's algorithm, usually the famous books will easily garner a lot more reads than books with smaller reads. It's not unusual for a lot of books (even good ones) to be buried under a lot of other books. With that being said, it doesn't mean that you should stop writing or stop putting up books on Wattpad. Even if your book is buried under other books, there will be someone who's going to keep digging and digging until they find that one golden treasure. You should make your book that golden treasure. So don't give up yet!

Don't feel like you can't make any difference in the world either. You might feel like that because you see no big difference from your contribution, but everyone has the ability to make an impact on others. Ever heard of the Pay It Forward book? It's a story about a middle school boy who did a project where he helped three people, and instead of repaying him, he asked the three people to pay it forward by each of them helping three other people, thus causing the cycle to continue. He only helped three people at first, but in turn, the movement ended up being a big thing. I know that in real life there's a chance that it wouldn't work that way, but what I want to say is that, even if you do a small thing, it still matters.

It's great that you're thinking of making a website about your writing. It means you're serious about what you're doing. At first, when you're starting, there's a good chance that not many people will go to your website. This is not because they don't care about you, it's because they don't know about your website or your writing yet. Make that your motivation to improve yourself. Try to become more active in the writing community so that more people will know you. Connect with other writers. Be creative and innovative in your writing.

There will always be people that will appreciate you because they resonate with your writing because it helps them in ways that you could not think of. But in order to get people to know you, you need to keep on writing.

As for your love for animals: why don't you try volunteering at animal shelters? You could also read up on endangered animals and what you can do to help them. I think the easiest thing you can do is leave little bits of food at some spot where street cats or dogs like to gather, but only if that is allowed by the authorities where you live. Where I live, it's pretty much okay to give out food to stray cats or dogs. Shops like to put small bowls outside their premises and give the strays food whenever they come by. Who knows the last time those animals had the chance to eat well.

I'm sorry that this is super long, but I really hope it helps. If you still have anything that you want us to help you with, feel free to send another request. :)

Have a nice day, and I hope you'll succeed in the big project you said you're working on!


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