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Advice Request
This person is confused about their feelings for a co-worker and that person's behavior towards them.

Answered Submission

Trying to understand someone's feelings can be complicated, especially if they're giving out mixed signals. Even I get confused in these kinds of situations because it’s hard to decipher what people’s actions mean. If him calling you by that name is any indication, there’s a high chance he is interested in you. But at the same time, it might just be that he sees you as someone precious and he just feels like you are close friends.

To move on or to wait? It’s a cliché question, but it is something you have to decide for yourself because you are the one who has to live with the decision. If I decide for you, it will be unfair because I can't see the whole picture like you do, therefore I can't pick the best choice for you.

Personally, I haven't had good experiences with guys like him, and it gives me a bad taste in my mouth if I tell you that you should wait for him. But that’s my own experience clouding my judgement. There might be a chance that he is only seeking the feeling that he has value to females and he isn't serious, but there also might be a chance that he isn't that kind of person. If I tell you to move on, it might not give you the satisfaction you want because you might always wonder about the what-ifs.

If you decide to wait, for now I would advise you to stay as friends and to ask your co-workers or friends to help you figure out if he’s interested in anyone. If he is, maybe he will drop hints on who the person is.

I wish you the best of luck and hope this helps.


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