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Advice Request
This person wants their friend back.

Answered Submission

Calling the authorities on your friend due to her parents abusing her was the right thing to do. However, it didn't work out like you wanted it to, and her parents figured out you were the one who called the authority.

Having different classes doesn't mean you have to stop being friends. There is a possibility the reason she hasn't put effort into the friendship lately is because her parents forbids her from doing so. It is logical that her parents are the reason why she avoids you, but you wouldn't know the real reason unless you ask her yourself. So find a suitable time to meet her. Make sure you have a conversation about what changed between the two of you. If you can only meet her at school, find a free time that works for both of you, or take a little bit of time during lunch to ask her if you did something wrong. The problem you have can only be settled by discussing the truth about what happened. Also, make sure you tell her you still want to be friends.

I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck.


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