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Advice Request
This person does not want to have their confirmation.

Answered Submission

Doing a confirmation, from what I've understood, is a big deal. And I'm sure it IS a big deal for you, and that's why you are currently against it.

What I suggest you do in this case is tell your parents the truth: that you do not want to do the confirmation yet or that you're not ready yet. I'm not sure what your reasons are, but if it would help you in your situation, tell them your reasons. If there's any chance you think they might not accept all of them, try telling them only some of them.

From what I've read, confirmation is better done when YOU and your parents both agree to do it—and you can stress that part to your parents. If they still want to force you, ask them why they are forcing you. Try to communicate with them about what you all have on your minds. At first they might not be convinced, so I hope you'll be patient and try again and again to make them understand why you're against your confirmation. There's a chance at the end of the day that they're still going to force you to do it—especially if you're under the legal age of 18. Despite you not wanting to do it, your parents might have the power to tell the church to do your confirmation. But I hope it won't come to that.

I really hope that everything will turn out okay and that you'll be okay.


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