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Advice Request
This person needs advice relating to crushes.

Answered Submission
Hi there,

From the information you have provided, it is common to come to the conclusion that he might like you. His behavior (such as staring) points to all the classic stuff people do when they like someone. And he could have just been trying to get your attention when he told you that other guys are interested in him.

You might find his behaviour a little bit weird and annoying at times. Here comes the hard part: everyone is different. To some people, his behavior might be a sign that he’s interested in you, but it might also be that he’s just naturally a tease. In order to see if he’s just teasing you and if he means nothing more, take notice of if the way he treats you is any different than the way he treats other people. He might also be doing all of this because he’s interested in being friends with you. People are different and weird. It’s hard to know one’s true intentions unless you ask them. I don’t want to say he likes you, because he might not. But I also don’t want to say he doesn’t like you, because he might.

You’re confused that you find him annoying but cute at the same time. It is normal to be in that conflicted situation because your initial impression of him was that he was a weird guy. But when you found him cute, your mind probably felt like it was contradicting itself. I used to tell myself not to fall for this type of person. But then when I ended up falling for them, my mind went haywire denying my feelings, and I spent days feeling confused. What I did was sit back and take my time and sort out why I was feeling that way. I asked myself: would it impact me badly? After having a talk with myself, everything was back to normal.

It’s not impossible for him to like you despite your differences. Sometimes similarities attract, and sometimes opposites attract.

I hope this helps. I wish you the best of luck with everything.


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