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Advice Request
This person wants to feel better mentally.

Answered Submission

First, there is no need to apologise for requesting a lot; we’re happy to help and are always here if you need it.

The statement that “everyone goes through anxiety” is a tough one because whilst most people experience some anxiety, it is different and is on varying levels for each person. So, whilst it is true that everyone can experience anxiety, you shouldn’t let anyone belittle your experience of it.

In terms of trying to reduce your mental health and making you feel better, I would advise that you reduce your stress levels. By this I mean look at what things and activities you can put aside for now, and try not to think about them. I know that’s easier said than done, but you must put yourself and your health first. Your treatment is, of course, an important aspect of your life, but is there any way you can reduce stress by speaking to someone else about it; maybe your parents or the doctors/nurses who monitor the treatment? This might help solve any unknown worries or any stresses that surround it.

School is a stressful place to be and can have an impact on your mental health. Could you talk to your teachers about the stress you’re feeling regarding school? If it’s school work that you are stressed about, could you ask for a little bit more help with the work? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with asking for more help with anything. For the after-school activities, are they compulsory? If not, then could you reduce the amount you do so that you’re not stressing too much about them? You might find that with more time on your hands to relax and focus on yourself, your stresses start to reduce naturally. If they are compulsory, again, I would suggest speaking with someone at the school to see if they can help.

I understand that college is another important factor that needs to be thought about and considered, but for now, is there any way you could reduce the stress surrounding it by not focussing on it as much? Obviously, you’ll want to focus on it since it’s something you want to do and want to be able to plan and prepare for, but don’t focus too much on it that it stresses you out.

Another important thing you can try to do regarding your mental health is speak to a professional about it. They’ll be able to give you more coping mechanisms that help you control and manage it so that it doesn’t interrupt your day-to-day life as much as it currently does.

Take some time for yourself. You are important. Self-care, in every sense, is an important thing to do. So if you find yourself stressing over something, take a moment to breathe, regather your thoughts and yourself, and then go back to it. Do this as often as you need to. In some cases, you might need to completely leave the topic for a while before you can go back to thinking about it. Take each day as it comes, and try not to stress too much about the future. Because if you stress about it and think about something before it happens and then stress about it when it happens, you’re essentially putting yourself through the stress twice, and that isn’t healthy.

Just make sure you take the time to take care of yourself even if sometimes it inconveniences others for a short period of time.

I hope this helps.


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