105. Sleeping Arrangements

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Irina appeared to still doubt my reason as there was still a troubled frown on her face. However, she was quickly accustomed to my presence as she relaxed herself and started talking in her usual manner after the reason why I was staying the night was explained to her. Since she had just returned from a night out, she walked over to her luggage, but before she started doing anything, she turned towards me.

"Um... Alevian," she said. Her face was somewhat red as she tapped her fingers together nervously. "Can you turn around? I would like to go and take a shower..."

Oh I get it. She must not want a guy to see her holding the underwear that she was about to get from her luggage. That's understandable. Therefore, I closed my eyes and turned to face the corner of the room in order to let her do her thing without any male eyes gawking at her.

I heard the sound of zippers being unzipped. Then there was the soft ruffling of fabric rubbing against fabric. Then, there was the sound of the zippers being zipped up once again as well as footsteps proceeding over to the bathroom. Then, when the doors closed, I heard her muffled voice calling out to me once again.

"You can open your eyes now," her voice said on the other side of the bathroom door.

I listened to her words and turned back around to face the hotel room. Now, I am technically alone with Muria once again. However, Irina was still in earshot distance. I looked around the room and at Muria. She was still sitting on her bed and watching the rest of the movie. She seemed to be undisturbed by Irina's return. However, I was.

The sound of water splashing against the tiled shower floor could be heard after a few seconds of Irina entering the bathroom. First, the sound of water splashing was uniform which meant that she had yet entered the shower. However, when the sound of the water splashing became chaotic, that's when I knew for a fact that she was showering. I am a teenager, so it's understandable that my mind... it goes fast when things like this happens. I couldn't help but imagine her standing in the shower while in the nude with beads of hot water running down the curves of her body. And for some reason, in my imagination of Irina showering, her face appeared quite lustful. Is this pervertedness of my mind an effect of that porno that I accidentally saw an hour ago?

I looked over at Muria once again. This time, I discovered that she had stripped herself of that jacket she wore over her shoulder like a cloak, allowing her nightgown to be the only clothing she clad. Once again, her naked shoulders were on display, but it must have been unintentionally since she's focused on the movie at the moment.

Once again, as a teenage male, my eyes couldn't help but linger about her upper body. They lingered about her exposed shoulders, and then went from there to her collarbone. I discovered that her collarbone was beautifully defined, one that seemed to emphasize how thin her body was. Then, my eyes moved down to the top of her cleavage.

If I recall correctly, apparently it's quite uncomfortable to wear bras when sleeping. Loriana had told me about this fact in the past, but she sometimes does it because she was either to lazy to remove it or she just forgot. Therefore... that makes me wonder... Is Muria wearing a bra right now? 

That question led to me staring even more intensely at her chest as I tried my best to find evidence. I looked for outlines of a bra, but I couldn't find one. However, there were also no signs that she wasn't wearing one. How mysterious...

It would appear as if I would never be able to know the answer. If I can't find out by simply observing, then there's no other way. It's not like I can go up to her and say "Are you wearing a bra?" That's what Noah probably does. Not me. Therefore, it would appear that I'll just have to die without knowing the answer.

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