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"He never responded back."

"Maybe he's just busy?" Jungkook responded as he leaned into his boyfriend. "He did just move in with his boyfriends after all."

"But this whole thing is really sketchy." Taehyung mumbled as he looked at his phone. "It doesn't make sense why his apartment door was open."

Jungkook was desperately trying to think rationally. His boyfriend had told him all about how Jimin's apartment had been open and that he had ended up finding the pacifier he used to have back in high school. He had thought it was a bit suspicious but decided to just brush it off and not worry about things like that.

Later on when he had been taking a shower with his boyfriend he had seen a bruise on his arm and been told about the guy who had ran into him.

That guy seemed to scream suspicious.

He couldn't think of any of their other neighbors who lived on this floor who would have been rude enough to leave someone they bumped into on the floor so it just meant that he was visiting someone. He would have just thought that he was a rude stranger like Taehyung did but the fact Jimin's door was open made him rethink things a bit more.

He didn't think Jimin was in any trouble as of now as he was with his boyfriends but he did feel concerned about the stranger. He didn't want Taehyung to worry even more about their friend so he kept his thoughts to himself but he was beginning to reach conclusions he didn't like.

It could have been just some guy that Jimin had a one night stand with. That was a perfectly plausible thing but it didn't explain the pacifier from high school appearing. Jungkook knew for a fact that Jimin had kept it as his old caregivers place as he had cried for days about never being able to get it back.

So that left the conclusion that his ex had been the one to break into his house and was stalking him. But how did he even find them? Why did he even still care about Jimin? The little had promised to not go to the police as long as he left him alone so why was he breaking his promise now? Jimin was finally in a happy relationship and things were going up for him, he didn't need an old abusive boyfriend stalking him.

But Jungkook was just overthinking things, right?

Maybe Jimin didn't have a stalker in the first place. Maybe he just ended up finding his old pacifier and never told Taehyung or Jungkook. Maybe he didn't lock his apartment when he left and it just happened to open. Maybe the stranger that bumped into Taehyung was just visiting a different apartment and was actually not shady and just a jerk.

But Jungkook still couldn't help but feel uneasy.

So he had ended up messaging Hoseok and Yoongi. Neither of them had responded and he had sent the text a couple hours ago so he wasn't exactly feeling the best about this situation.

His boyfriend verbally stating his concerns didn't help him much either but all Jungkook was doing was desperately trying to ease him. He was supposed to be the sensible one, he was supposed to assure Taehyung that everything was fine and he shouldn't be worrying.

What was he supposed to be doing if he was also worried?

"Let's go." He mumbled as he got up grabbing his wallet from the table. His boyfriend looked at him confused and tilted his head. "We're going to Yoongi's house to see Jimin."

"Really?" Taehyung said as he smiled at his boyfriend. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I know you  normally don't like having to accommodate to my countless worries but it really means a lot."

Jungkook simply smiled as his boyfriend hugged him. He couldn't help but falter a bit after hearing Taehyung refer to him worrying about Jimin being a countless worry but he didn't want to make him more scared by saying that he was concerned as well.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's fine." Jungkook said trying to convince Taehyung and himself as well. "He's absolutely fine."

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