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"You love to watch Disney movies, right Jiminie?" The younger simply stared at the television his body tense as Bon Hwa held an arm around him. "Jiminie, don't make me ask again."

"Y-yes master I love D-disney movies."

"That doesn't sound like the Jiminie I know." Bon Hwa said as he turned to face Jimin clenching his arm on the other's wrist making him whimper. "What did you say, Jiminie?"

"I w-wove Disney!"

Bon Hwa simply smiled as he slightly released his grip and went back to watching the opening credits. Jimin in fact did love Disney movies and would always choose one when given a chance to choose a movie to watch. But in this situation he was anything but comfortable and he desperately wanted to run to the door. 

After being led out of the room with Sungwoon Jimin realized that they had been locked in a basement due to the stairs right outside the room. He had concluded that Bon Hwa must of owned his own house and that's how no one had noticed he was a kidnapper.

Jimin knew running out of the house would only make things worse which is why he stayed right where he was at. He had no clue about the surrounding area of this house and due to his poor health Bon Hwa would immediately catch him and get angry. 

He already was feeling a bit lucky right now since Bon Hwa had grabbed him to watch a movie with him. He expected the older to be angry and want to take his anger out on him or force himself on him. Jimin couldn't help but tense at the thought but he tried to act relaxed so Bon Hwa wouldn't get more angry at him. 

Of course the pink haired boy was stressed in this situation but there was no way he was going to slip into little space. He was too scared to even think of slipping not even the tiger onesie he was wearing or the Disney movie could change that.

It was scary even thinking that he might accidentally somehow slip here. His little self still seemed to be trained to follow Bon Hwa's rules and punishments, he didn't want to think of how he could be taken advantage of in that state again.

"It's been a long time since we've watched a movie like this, right Jiminie?"

"Yes master." The younger responded looking blankly at the screen. He always remembered that they'd watch a movie together as soon as he had punished Jiminie for breaking one of the countless rules he had. Jimin couldn't help but gulp as he realized the last time he had truly hanged out with Bon Hwa was when he was getting slammed into a bath tub and Taehyung and Jungkook had saved him. "M-master can I ask a question?"

Jimin knew he was being bold but he decided to take a risk with how happy the other seemed to be right now. As soon as he asked that Bon Hwa seemed to grab onto his wrist harder and he froze realizing that he might get punished for talking when he wasn't spoken to.

"Just this once Jiminie, I'll let you just this once."

"M-master how did you find me?"

"It was actually quite lucky for me to find you. You know you hid your tracks pretty well from me when you left highschool!" The older said laughing as he just tightened his grip on Jimin causing the younger to wince as he knew that there was blood being drawn from his arm. "There was this sugar daddy app I downloaded to find replacements of you, although I have pretty high standards wanting people I keep to be as beautiful as you. Most people who are on sugar daddy websites aren't really super important if they're kidnapped as they're just looking to get with old men for money, and I found you! All I had to do was superlike your profile and it sent me your phone number and tracking people is easy if you know their phone number."

Jimin wanted to cry. He remembered setting up that profile and letting Taehyung and Jungkook do all the work but he had no clue what terms and agreements they had clicked and accepted. His impulse decision to get money had led to his boyfriend being able to kidnap him, how was he supposed to feel about that? 

But the impulse decision also led him to Hoseok and Yoongi which he was eternally grateful for. He felt so happy knowing that someone cared for him but what if he never saw them again? What if he never saw Taehyung and Jungkook again? What if he was going to live his life stuck here following Bon Hwa's sadistic rules forever?

"Hey don't feel sad Jiminie!" Bon Hwa said as he hugged the younger who felt like he was on the verge of tears. "Now that I have you I don't need to keep pesky replacements anymore."

Idk why but I can't respond to comments right now but thanks to everyone who commented nice things last chapter! I've been wanting to write another book because I really need to get my mind off of things but I don't want to start one until I finish this one or else I'll get confused with plots. But on a side note I'll update my story Growing Blue today too!

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