Chapter 14

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*Calums POV*

When Michael asked liam about the interview and how long it was i knew something was up and when liam said that we have the house alone for the night i seen mikey smirk that he gets when he has a plan/idea.

*Arriving at home*

We were all finally home and sitting in the media room which is fucking huge, we're letting emily pick out a movie which is probably going to make us regret the decision.

"How about.....Ride Along?" She asked looking at us we all looked at eachother nodding surprised she didnt pick some chick flick. She put the movie in and ran to the sofa jumping next to luke who wrapped his arm around her waist, im so jealous of their relationship and oh my god i sound like a chick. I decided to stop talking to myself and watch the movie.

*After the movie*

"That movie was hilarious!" Ashton said with a little laugh, we all agreed laughing a bit "Alright, i dont know about you guys but im fucking tired." Michael said with a yawn, i seen liam glaring at him "Language." He said sternly causing michael to roll his eyes "Dude, im 18 years old and you're not my dad so i think its fine that i cuss." Liam looked at him sternly "You live under my house, you live under my rules" Oh god, "Thats what my dad said before i moved out." I sighed before grabbing mikey by the arm pulling him to his room before he ends up moving out like he did with his real dad.

When we got to his room i looked at him "Mate, come on i know cussing is like YOUR thing but dont do it in front of liam because i really dont want you guys arguing and that leading to you moving out over the dumbest thing, alright?" I said/asked not wanting to love without him again making him sigh to him self before looking up at me "Fine, i wont cuss in front of liam and by the way, i wouldnt move out if we had an arguement i would just not talk to anyone and the fight with my dad was totally different" I cocked my head sideways until i remembered the night he moved out making my face turn into a 'O' shape. "Oh yeah sorry lets not think about that." I said moving my hands around a bit causing him to laugh "What?" I asked, he shook his head a bit "Nothing i just find it funny that you're saying sorry about that like it was your fault when you literally had nothing to do with it." He said chuckling a bit, i patted his shoulder a bit "You're my best mate, so im really sorry about that happening." I stated with a sad fake smile, he turned to me smiling a bit "Its fine, it happened what, Last year?" He asked, i thought about it "Yeah, a little over a year ago." His eyebrows raised a bit in shock "Damn." He mumbled, i turned around walking to the door as he laid on the bed "Goodnight mikey." I smiled about to turn off the light "Night Cal." He replied, just as i was about to turn the light off i said "And you're telling me your plan for tomorrow." His head snapped my way seeing my smirk before i turned the light off and shut the door walking to my own room getting ready for bed.

*Lukes POV*

"Im getting tired." I mumbled sleepily while leaning against the wall, emily looked at me a bit before giggling and putting her arm around my waist dragging me to our room. "Okay, babe i appreciate you wanting to take care of me but i can do this on my own." i said chuckling a bit, she smiled lightly "Its fine babe i like helping." she smiled, i kissed her cheek before flopping down on the bed nice and comfy. "Um, dont you want to get changed?" Em asked, i groaned loudly before sitting up taking off my shirt and pants before getting under the covers "There." i said before closing my eyes, i felt the bed dip in before a small arm wrapped over my chest i turned over pulling emily toward me so her head was on my chest. "I love you Em." I mumbled kissing her head "Love you too Lukey." I smiled before letting sleeping take me.

[A/N:] Sorry this is a short chapter ill try to make next chapter long. Theres some fetus 5SOS on the side for you.

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