Chapter 32

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*Emilys POV*

After walking around the halls for a couple minutes trying to figure out which room they were in we found them inside Liam and Zayns room.

When we walked inside the room they were all sitting around the room in random areas. "Hey guys." Luke said dragging me to the couch before sitting down pulling me down on his lap, i noticed michael giving us that look that just says 'you need to tell them' I nodded turning to luke leaning in his ear "We need to tell them." I whispered making sure hes the only one that hears, i felt him nod.

"Uh, we have something to tell you..." He trailed off, i started playing with the strings on the sweatshirt that i was wearing as they all looked at us.

"What is it luke?" Louis asked, i bit my lip as luke began telling them. "Okay so Emily and I went down the the pool last night and well we had sex down there-" he was cut off by Zayn "Too much information there mate." I rolled my eyes "Just listen, i didnt use protection.... so theres a chance that she can get pregnant..." He trailed off, i looked up watching all there reactions slowly appear to say the least they were shocked but Liam looked pissed "If she is pregnant luke i hope you know damn well that you are going to be there for her and that baby." Luke rolled his eyes "you dont need to tell me, i already know we went over this already." I smiled lightly kissing his cheek.

"This dont effect the tour or anything right?" Ashton asked, we all looked at the guys who shrugged "Ask paul."

I looked around "Hes not here..." I trailed off, they laughed shaking their heads "No shit, hes in his room." I frowned at what harry said... "Watch it harold." Luke warned with a little glare toward him, he just put his hands up in surrender.

"We'll ask later and plus i dont think it will cause any problems for the tour besides the fact that a pregnant 16 year old girl that we adopted and is going to be on a tour bus with 4 teenage boys who dont know how to handle a pregnant girls cravings." Liam pointed out, we all just stared at him. "What?" He asked, i just shook my head and started of thinking about some random things when all of a sudden i started thinking about peanut butter, mmm that sounds good. I got off of lukes lap walking over to the kitchen area looking through the cupboard pouting when i find no peanut butter "What are you looking for?" Calum asked, i turned around seeing them all looking at me making me blush...

"I want peanut butter..." I trailed off, they all turned to luke raising their eye brows.

Luke didnt notice they were looking at him for a minute but he finally looked up and around at everyone else, "What?" he asked "Shes your girlfriend, find her some peanut butter." Luke looked over at me with a blank face while i just smiled and batted my eye lashes innocently, he groan getting up walking over to me pecking my lips "You're lucky i love you." He muttered walking out of the room, i smiled widely before skipping over to the couch sitting down ignoring the weird looks from the others.

*Lukes POV*

Cant belive i have to get up and get her peanut butter, if not other room has any im going to be pissed.

*5 minutes later*

So far all the other rooms dont have any, so i walked into mine and emilys room searching through the cupboards, i sighed frustrated when i didnt see any.

I backed up thinking when my eyes laid on my meds, eh ill take them when i get back. I decided to go down the lobby asking the person at the front desk for some. When i got to the lobby i seen it was the guy from last night, i groaned to myself before walking up with a fake smile "Hey do you guys have any peanut butter?" I asked, he looked up furrowing his eyebrows "Why?" He asked, i gave him a blank face "For my girlfriend." I said monotoned, he smirked a bit "Shes pretty fit mate." I growled a bit before calming myself down. "Do you have any fucking peanut butter or not?" I snapped, he raised his hands in surrender "Sure mate." He said walking into some room coming back out with a jar of JIF peanut butter handing it to me, i gave him another fake smile before walking back to the elevator. "Tell your girlfriend i said Hi." I turned around, eyes dark with anger when i was fully turned i seen him smirking but he slowly stopped when he seen my eyes. I turned back around hitting the button, the elevator opened letting me step inside. When i was in i turned around giving him a death glare while have a tight grip on the peanut butter as the doors closed.

Well, i made it to the room but i was still angry on how he was talking about em kind of like isaac when i first met him.

When i stepped into the room i heard them all laughing and joking, that was until i stepped in with a hard stare on. "Luke, why are you angry?" Michael asked, i rolled my eyes tossing emilys peanut butter on the couch next to her.

I sighed sitting on the couch next to emily taking off my beanie running my hand through my hair.

"babe you okay?" Emily asked slowly, i took a deep breath before nodding "Yeah im fine, just the guy in the lobby is a dick." She giggled "Thanks for the peanut butter." I turned toward emily smiling showing my dimples.

"Isnt there a way we can find out sooner?" I randomly asked looking at her stomach, she shrugged "There we commercials for tests that you can take the day after." I smiled looking at the guys "Can we go buy one?" I asked, they all either shrugged of nodded so me and emily got up and practically jogged out of the room and to the elevator.

When we got to the lobby we walked past the guy at the counter, i seen him wink at emily so i turned my head glaring at him making him turn around.

We walked out of the hotel and to the nearest store. As we walked into the store i followed emily to the right isle. "Alright, which one?" I asked looking at all the different ones, she didnt answer but she grabbed 3 boxes of the same test which im guessing is the one she was talking about it. We walked to the counter putting them up there, the clerk looked at the tests and then at us smiling lightly "Young love." I chuckled nodding watching as she scanned them "How long you been together?" She asked, i looked at emily smiling "Almost 4 years." I answered watching her smile widen, she handed us the bag telling us to have a good day which we returned.

*Skip the walk*

"Okay, just go into the bathroom and do that ill be out here with the others." I said, she nodded turning around walking to the bathroom while i turned around walking to the couch sitting down putting my head in my hands.

I felt a hand on my back causing me to lift my head up seeing Calum "Hey, you scared?" He asked, i shrugged "i wouldnt say im scared more like nervous.." i trailed off, he nodded. After about 5 minutes the bathroom door opened and out came emily holding the 3 test making me jump up "So what do they say?" I asked in a rush tone "I dont know i didnt look yet, i wanted to look with you." I smiled walking to her side kissing her forehead. "Alright lets see them." She let out a breath before uncovering the test.

Positive....Positive....Positive. i turned to emily with tears in my eyes, happy tears "Im going to be a daddy." I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist spinning her around, i turned to all the guys who were smiling watching us.

"I CALL GOD FATHER!" Liam yelled, i laughed throwing my head back nodded "The rest of you can be uncles." They cheered, i turned to emily giving her a long passionate kiss. "I love you so damn much." I whispered against her lips, she smiled pecking my lips again "I love you too lukey."

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