Chapter 24

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*Liams POV*

When all the kids got home and went to their rooms me and the guys went back to the living room sitting on the couches watching the tv when the phone started to ring.

"Uhh, when will we ever get a break." Niall complained grabbing the phone answering it "Hello?" He sighed, we waited when his eyes widened tossing the phone to me "Hello?" I asked, "hello liam its simon here and i just wanted to let you and the rest know that the tour offically starts in 2 days." My eyes widened "uh- um alright thanks uncle si." he didnt say anthing but hung up, i looked at the boys "Tour starts in a couple days, should we let the others know or wait a couple hours?" I asked, they looked at each other "I think we should tell one of them and they can tell others." Louis offered, we all looked at each other shrugging "Alright, who are we telling?" I asked, they pursed their lips "how about emily?" Niall asked, i shrugged standing up walking toward the stairs but stopped when i noticed they werent following me.

"Are you guys coming?" I asked furrowing my eye brows, they shook their heads 'no' "Wonderful." I muttered to myself turning around walking up the stairs to Emily and Lukes Room knocking, i didnt get a response a first so i was about to knock again but the door opened revealing emily "Yeah?" She asked, i looked down toward her "Um the tour offically starts in 2 days, can you tell the boys?" I asked, she nodded giving me a smile which i returned before turning around heading back down to the guys.

*Emilys POV*

I shut the door after liam walked away letting out a long breath, i walked to the bathroom door opening it a bit sticking my head in hearing the water still running telling me hes still in the shower "babe." Lukes head popped out from the curtain "Liam just came up and told me that the tour starts in 2 days." he nodded closing the curtain, i shut the bathroom door "Well alright then." I muttered walking out of our bedroom down the ash's room "Ash." I said walking in seeing him laying on his bed with head phones in. "Ash." I said but he didnt hear me, i grabbed a random shirt that was laying on the ground throwing it at him causing him to jump pulling his head phones out. "What em?" "Your guys' tour starts in 2 days." He nodded putting his head phones back in turning the music up.

When i got to calums room i walked in seeing hes not there, i let out a groan walking to mikeys room seeing hes not there either.

"Where the hell are you two?" I asked myself, i jogged down the stairs turning down long ass hall ways until i could faintly hear laughing, i followed the laughter until it lead to the pool room- of course.

I peaked in the little window on the door seeing cal and mikey splashing each other laughing, i smiled widely opening the door "HEY! Love birds i got some news." They immediately stopped turning to me and i could faintly see a blush on calums cheeks.... im going to have to talk to him later "What is it em?" Michael asked jumped out of the pool grabbing a towel "Your guys' tour starts in 2 days." They both smiled toward me "Thanks for letting us know em." I nodded smiling looking at calum who kept looking at michael. "Cal, i need to talk to you later." I smirked seeing him jump before turning his attention to me blushing furiously, he nodded looking down "Alright im going to hang out with luke, have fun but not to much fun" I sent them a wink as i left the pool room.

As i entered the bedroom i seen luke laying on the bed with his phone out, i walked over climbing into bed "hey babe." I greeted kissing his cheek watching the corners of his mouth twitch upward "Hey princess." He set his phone on his chest leaning toward me pecking me on the lips "What time is it?" I asked, he lifted his phone up before mumbled "8:30 pm" I groaned falling back leaning my head on his chest "Can we go to sleep early, im tired." He cranned his neck looking at me "Take a nap princess, im not that tired." He said kissing my forhead, i sighed nodding snuggling into his chest closing my eyes "Love you princess." I sleepily smiled "Love you too lukey."

*Luke POV*

I watched as emily fell asleep on my chest, when i knew she was asleep for sure i gently put her next to me so i can get up.

As i got up i turned around seeing her stir for a minute making me think she was waking up but she just grabbed my pillow hugging it, i chuckled quietly as i leaned down kissing her forehead. Turning around i walked to the door opening it slowly cringing everytime i squeaked, when i finally got the door opened i stepped out closing it, i sighed in relief as i finally got it closed turning around walking down the stairs and into the kitchen grabbing a banana.

After i got the banana i pealed it open as i walked into the living room seeing the guys there, i flopped down on the couch in between zayn and niall taking a bite from the banana "hey." I said, they chuckled "Wheres emily?" Harry asked, i swallowed the banana before answering "Upstairs sleeping." He nodded "She tell you guys the news?" He added, i took a deep breath before nodding "Okay, you guys are going to go to school tomorrow but you're not going to school the day after because you all need to pack." Liam instructed, i shrugged.  "Cant we just not go tomorrow either?" I asked, he pursed his lips but before he could say no i thought of an excuse "Maybe the boys and i can do some song writing." he looked at the others who shrugged before looking back at me "Alright, fine you can miss tomorrow too." I mentally fist bumped, i finished my banana throwing away the peel "Alright im tired so im going to head to sleep as well." I stated heading toward the stairs.

"You do realize its only 9 right?" I just gave them a thumbs up before climbing the stairs up to the room, i walked in closing the door.

I took my shirt and pants off leaving me in my boxers before climbing into bed wrapping my arms around emilys waist pullin her into my chest, i kissed the top of her head before leaning into her ear whispering "G'night Emily." I closed my eyes letting sleep consume me.

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